New talk alert! #ElZoominario: short scientific talks (in English) by #LatinxInSTEM
Watch Daniel Ojeda-Juarez 🇲🇽 talk about #neurodegenerative
#disease and how some aspects of #Coco #movie #disney were inspired by his hometown in #Oaxaca
#Science #scicomm #Mexico #madcowdisease #alzheimer #oaxaca #Disney #movie #coco #disease #Neurodegenerative #latinxinstem #elzoominario
Central governments of the world ignoring how Covid is transmitted reminds me of the BSE crisis in the UK some years back
#madcowdisease #covid #denialism
Anyone else prevented from donating blood due to time spent in the UK & Europe between 1980 & 2000? Looks like that restriction has been lifted by the Red Cross.
“…The FDA has been gradually lifting the ban for the past two years and fully lifted it this past spring. The Red Cross started accepting donors again in October…”
#veterans #madcowdisease #blooddonation #redcross
"If you lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996 there’s one thing you probably haven’t done in Australia – donate blood. It was banned in 2000 due to the potential risk of variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD) – better known as ‘mad cow disease.’
Now, after modelling has shown that the risk is infinitesimally small, the ban has lifted, allowing up to 750,000 more Australians to donate blood."
#uk #australia #blooddonation #madcowdisease #health