#IBM, #RedHat and #FreeSoftware: #maddog’s view:
Red Hat/IBM made a business decision to limit customers to those who would buy a license from them for every single system that would run #RHEL and only distribute #sourcecode and information necessary on how to build that distribution to those customers. Therefore people who receive those binaries would receive sources so they could fix bugs and extend operating system as they wished this was, and is, the essence of #GPL
#ibm #redhat #freesoftware #maddog #rhel #sourcecode #gpl
An interesting long read and IMHO a shareable point of view from #Maddog about the #redhat querelle
Maya Hawke — Thérèse | LIVE Performance | SiriusXM https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1751531/global-beauties/
#AltNation #CoffeeHouse #comedy #Concerts #CoverSongs #entertainment #FactionTalkSiriusxm #Festivals #HipHopNation #hits1 #LivePerformances #MadDog #Music #NBARadio #NFLRadio #Octane #PGARadio #Podcasts #radio #RadioAndy #Shade45 #Sirius #SiriusXM #siriusxmconcert #sports #SportsTalk #stars #SXM #TheHighway #Volume #マヤ・ホーク
#altnation #coffeehouse #comedy #concerts #coversongs #entertainment #factiontalksiriusxm #festivals #hiphopnation #hits1 #liveperformances #maddog #music #nbaradio #nflradio #octane #pgaradio #podcasts #radio #radioandy #shade45 #sirius #siriusxm #siriusxmconcert #sports #sportstalk #stars #sxm #thehighway #volume #マヤ・ホーク
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #DanceSoundsOfThe90sWithVernonKay
Stretch & Vern & Maddog:
🎵 I'm Alive
#nowplaying #DanceSoundsOfThe90sWithVernonKay #stretch #vern #maddog
English Springer Spaniel Howls! https://www.wacoca.com/pets/122438/
#dog #EnglishSpringerSpaniel #howl #Inu #maddog #イングリッシュ・スプリンガー・スパニエル #イングリッシュスプリンガースパニエル #遠吠え
#遠吠え #イングリッシュスプリンガースパニエル #イングリッシュ・スプリンガー・スパニエル #maddog #inu #howl #englishspringerspaniel #dog
Evening Freight-Dog N602FE turning base for SEA from MEM #MadDog #AvGeek #AvGeeksOfMastodon #planespotting
#maddog #avgeek #AvgeeksofMastodon #planespotting
This is one of my all-time favorite photos from back in the day. Shot in 2015 with my old reliable D90.
Remember when the AA Mad Dogs were everywhere and then suddenly they weren't? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda sorta miss 'em.
#americanairlines #md80 #maddog #avgeek #planespotting
Jura jumping into 2023. #dog #dogsofmastodon #doglover #doglovers #doglife #dogoftheday #dogphotography #stupiddog #maddog #doggo #doggos #doggolife #doggosbeingdoggos #doggosdoingthings #doggosofmastodon
#dog #dogsofmastodon #doglover #doglovers #doglife #dogoftheday #dogphotography #stupiddog #maddog #doggo #doggos #doggolife #doggosbeingdoggos #doggosdoingthings #doggosofmastodon
Quel avenir pour le Listenbourg ? - La Minute Mème 49 #Maddog #meme
@purplepadma I Love to see videos of dogs being daft. My daughter spams me on Insta every day with 100 reels of soppy dogs. We have a rescue dog Joey (from #DogsTrust) who has a serious anxiety disorder, arthritis and bowed legs (due to previous fractures - no idea what happened to him before we got him). Also love sheep, cows, pretty much all animals tbh. Here's a pic of Joey looking super cute to make you smile. #MadMonday #MadDog #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #maddog #madmonday #DogsTrust
Foster Puppy Leaves Internet in Hysterics With Crazy Midnight Antics #Dogs #Pets #Fostercare #Happiness #fosterpuppy #maddog #crazydog #fyp #4agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL2Zvc3Rlci1wdXBweS1sZWF2ZXMtaW50ZXJuZXQtaHlzdGVyaWNzLWNyYXp5LW1pZG5pZ2h0LWFudGljcy0xNzMwNzk4
#4agosto #fyp #crazydog #maddog #fosterpuppy #happiness #fostercare #pets #dogs
RT @dgoodkin
@maddoghall explaining to me that the PDP11 he is displaying is running UNIX 6, and how that is the version that Ken Thompson brought to UC Berkeley that was the foundation for Berkeley UNIX or BSD. #FreeBSD #FOSDEM2020 #maddog
The lost talks from Linus Torvalds at DECUS'94
... As I was cleaning my office I found some audio tapes made of Linus' talk, and which I purchased with my own money. Now, to make your present, I had to buy a good audio tape playback machine and capture the audio in Audacity, then produce a digital copy of those tapes, which are listed here. Unfortunately I do not have a copy of the slides, but I am not sure how many slides Linus had. I do not think you will need them....
-- John "Maddog" Hall
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29691206
#linux #linustorvalds #DECUS94 #JohnHall #maddog #podcasts
Mayor información en http://www.gulag.org.mx/flisol-2021.html
#FLISoL #Flisol2021 #FreeSoftware #SoftwareLibre #maddog
#flisol #maddog #softwarelibre #Flisol2021 #freesoftware
国防長官辞任論が再燃: #日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO36479740V11C18A0FFJ000/
狂犬と呼ばれている #マティス国防長官 だが、近年は対外融和的な発言が多く、強硬的な #トランプ大統領 と相容れないのかもしれない。
#MadDog #JamesMattis #Mattis #WhiteHouse #Trump #PresidentTrump #国防長官 #America
#日本経済新聞 #マティス国防長官 #トランプ大統領 #maddog #jamesmattis #mattis #whitehouse #trump #presidenttrump #国防長官 #america