Rachel #Maddow tonight did a brilliant job covering #ElonMusk’s compromised direct engagement in the #Russia #Ukraine war.
She characterized #Musk as just another Russian #FSB #hitman carrying out #Putin’s orders.
#RonanFarrow was her guest, in addition to Musk’s ideological alignments w/Russia, he highlighted Musk’s #financial #ConflictOfInterests.
Half of #Teslas are made in #China. China has backed Russia. China explicitly expressed displeasure w/Musk providing #Starlink service to Ukraine.
#maddow #elonmusk #russia #ukraine #musk #fsb #hitman #putin #ronanfarrow #financial #conflictofinterests #teslas #china #starlink
Yay! Rachel Maddow just announced she will be doing a book tour stop in Philadelphia!
Let’s buy tickets and…
#grrrrrrrrr #philadelphiafreelibrary #maddow
Karma is Hillary Clinton in a previously scheduled interview with Rachel Maddow on the night indictments are unsealed in Georgia. The universe has a wicked sense of humor. #HillaryClinton #Maddow #Georgia #GrandJury
#grandjury #Georgia #maddow #hillaryclinton
#Maddow has Hillary Clinton on live tonight, potentially after breaking new indictments. This will be fun.
Don't forget to watch #Maddow tonight for an interview with the woman who won the popular vote in 2016 by nearly 2.9 million votes-- the #HillaryClinton...who been right about absolutely everything re: #TraitorDon
#maddow #hillaryclinton #traitordon #demolishtheelectoralcollege
The #Trump fraud case you forgot about
ACN video phone sales pyramid scheme lawsuit unnoticed among big cases
The appropriate response to Trump's lawyers' "explanations" ....
#Maddow #MSNBC #YouGottaBeKiddingMe
#YouGottaBeKiddingMe #msnbc #maddow
Sarah Reese Jones on Twitter: "Rachel #Maddow "History instead is going to ask, how did America get to the point where such a person could be elected to the presidency of the United States?" https://t.co/3NH1oTCCSg"
Everyone should listen to the "Bag Man" podcast by Rachel #Maddow. It focuses on the criminality of Spiro Agnew and how he attacked the media. Many parallels to the #Trump administration. There's even a recent #indictment episode!
@qotca I've signed many #HIPAA docs in my life, in med. offices and facilities, hospitals, you name it. I was surprised #Maddow didn't even mention it. I was waiting for it, and she did talk about our expectations of confidentiality, but did not mention #hipaa
I. don't. get. it.
I need somebody to fill in come legal blanks for me, re: #Maddow's segment tonight on 19 state Attorneys General seizing medical records of people from their state FROM MEDICAL DOCTORS SEEN IN OTHER STATES. #ABORTIONS #TRANS
What happened to HIPAA? Is a "state A.G." considered "a tribunal"? How are they getting federal judges to sign off on a state-law subpoena? Because this says HIPAA right to medical privacy is federal law. #Constitutional law notwithstanding.
#maddow #abortions #trans #constitutional
19 GOP state attorneys general signed a letter stating they can to go after private #medical #records anywhere in the country — including in all the states where abortion is legal.
#maddow reports on their claim they have “the right to take your private medical records.
#medical #records #maddow #corrupt #republicans
Representative Greene was definitely just reading LBJ's Wilipedia page. And yes it kind of sounded like it could be used in a Biden campaign ad. #Maddow
I just watched Rachel Maddow tonight. She interviewed a meteorologist, aka a weatherman, who was harassed over his coverage of the weather in Iowa. He noted extreme weather patterns as a result of climate change; this earned him death threats. I never thought I'd see the day when the weatherman (in this case) and librarians would be under the gun for doing their job.
#climatechange #weather #maddow #librarians