The Adall #Calculator from 1910 is a single-column #addingmachine based on a hundred-tooth disc. The Adall is presented in a fitted and lined wooden case, with a pocket for a small bone operating stylus. Some versions have the name spelt "Adal" rather than "Adall".
Manufactured: Adall Company, #Birmingham , #England , 1910-1920s
#calculator #addingmachine #birmingham #england #calcul #machine #belobjet #madeinengland #unionjack
Latest woods salvage. A large heavy shelf made from utile plus a nice piece of maple.
#luthier #luthiery #luthiers #ukulele #ukulelemaking #woodworking #lutherie #custommade #handbuilt #whatsonyourbench #bespoke #workshop #handmade #madeinengland #madeinyorkshire #madeinuk #madeinhebdenbridge #mandolin #mandolinmaking #tenorguitar #britishwoods #reclaimedwoods
#luthier #luthiery #luthiers #ukulele #ukulelemaking #woodworking #lutherie #custommade #handbuilt #whatsonyourbench #bespoke #workshop #handmade #madeinengland #madeinyorkshire #madeinuk #madeinhebdenbridge #mandolin #mandolinmaking #tenorguitar #britishwoods #reclaimedwoods
Maid In England by Maid Of Ace
#wintermutebbsradioshow #music #maidoface #madeinengland