Started new Netflix docuseries, "Emergency: NYC." Smart, well-made, fast-paced. Affecting.
A 17-year-old has multiple gunshot wounds, gut & arm; a lacerated liver, no spleen; "tried to die" on the medicos 3 times last night. Surgeon explains boy is stable right now, must take it hour by hour. Asks if boy's young mother has any questions. She looks at him, face working. Pause. Blurts "I'm just so scared!" He hugs her.
Yeah, sometimes I cry at TV shows.
#tv #documentaries #medical #mademecry
AG and DG offee a heartbreaking perspective on the #CLUBQSTRONG shooting. #mademecry Check out Knock The Fascists Off the Charts from The Daily Beans on Amazon Music.
It's been six weeks since I've been able hold my girls. Picked up my 2-year old this morning and she says "I missed you." #mademecry