I wrote this little newsletter about my process and the last generative projects I made during the last months.
#generative #madewithfragment #generativeart
Intersections, new generative project.
I'm addicted to export 🔥
Intersections, lines and organic animation studies
#madewithfragment #generativeart
Research, cmd+s and repeat
Hi 👋 I am web developer and creative coder, I create visuals and animations with code 🟦
#generativeart #genartclub #madewithfragment
I keep pushing my explorations with fragment and hands controller
#madewithfragment #MadeWithTFJS #genartclub #generativeart
I keep pushing my explorations with fragment and hands controller
#madewithfragment #MadeWithTFJS #genartclub #generativeart
Ok I'm a 3D noise now
(not easy to smile when you control something 😂)
#generativeart #genartclub #madewithfragment
RT @QuentinHocde@twitter.com
I also add my particles followings my hands 👋 https://twitter.com/QuentinHocde/status/1588127266541903875/video/1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/QuentinHocde/status/1588127266541903875
#madewithfragment #genartclub #generativeart
[THREAD] - Body detections and generative coding
I'm currently working with TensorFlow, implemented with http://fragment.tools
I'd like to create a physical project in the future with this concept
#MadeWithTFJS #madewithfragment