Adventures as a new revert: on my way to the #Masjid for #Jumu’ah and a bird, likely a pigeon, pooped on clothing I really can’t remove.
WELL: I am taking #Maliki #Fiqh classes online for very short money at the excellent Safina Society of New Brunswick, NJ. I flailed in their WhatsApp group for a minute re: the predicament, then thought to check my class notes on the Ashmawiyyah, the basic beginner fiqh text in the #Maghrib for this #Madhab.
Sure enough, there’s a clear answer. If what pooped on you is #Halal to eat, its poop does NOT break physical impurity and if all other preconditions are met, you can go ahead with #Salat. Since I would happily make the culprit into squab if I could, I’m all set for jumu’ah.
Ofc I cleaned up in a café bathroom anyway because, ew.
#Masjid #jumu #maliki #fiqh #maghrib #madhab #halal #salat #islam
I’m taking #Maliki #Fiqh classes online with Safina Society (straight outta New Brunswick, NJ) and my, is that WhatsApp group ever busy. I didn’t think that the Maliki #madhab would be as well represented in the United States as it apparently is. The course itself is fascinating and for $12 a month I don’t think you can go wrong: the instructors use well-regarded Arabic language source texts and break things down for you.
In terms of learning how to make #Salat at a very basic level, though, YouTube is the best medium for me.
#maliki #fiqh #madhab #salat #islam #muslims #muslimamericans
I’m taking #Maliki #Fiqh classes online with Safina Society (straight outta New Brunswick, NJ) and my, is that WhatsApp group ever busy. I didn’t think that the Maliki #madhab would be as well represented in the United States as it apparently is. The course itself is fascinating and for $12 a month I don’t think you can go wrong: the instructors use well-regarded Arabic language source texts and break things down for you.
In terms of learning how to make #Salt at a very basic level, though, YouTube is the best medium for me.
#maliki #fiqh #madhab #salt #islam #muslims #muslimamericans