#NikkiHaley's "A Simpler Time" pitch is a direct descendant of #RonaldReagan's "It's Morning Again in America" spot in 1984 when he was asking for another term.
#Mondale didn't stand a chance against this #MadisonAve #propaganda by #HalRiney & Partners, the shop responsible for the fake-Americana Bartles & Jaymes #commercials the next year.
"America" viewed though a lens smeared with Vaseline was a meme.
#gop #PoliticalAds #advertising #ushistory #commercials #halriney #Propaganda #madisonave #mondale #ronaldreagan #nikkihaley
Lotta production going on. #CulverCity #MadisonAve #WashingtonBlvd
#washingtonblvd #madisonave #culvercity