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#regionalsportsnetworks #rsns #rsn #att #attsportsnet #midco #midcosports #tv #yesnetwork #yankees #newyorkyankees #nyy #nbc #nbcnews #nbcsports #bcsn #buckeyecablesportsnetwork #ballysports #nesn #newenglandsportsnetwork #newyork #nyc #newengland #ohio #msg #msgnetworks #madisonsquaregarden #madisonsquaregardennetworks #spectrum #spectrumsportsnet #swx #swxrightnow #sportsandweatherrightnow #television #televisionnews #announcement #live #livetv #sports #sportsart
#regionalsportsnetworks #rsns #rsn #att #attsportsnet #midco #midcosports #tv #yesnetwork #yankees #newyorkyankees #nyy #nbc #nbcnews #nbcsports #bcsn #buckeyecablesportsnetwork #ballysports #nesn #newenglandsportsnetwork #newyork #nyc #newengland #ohio #msg #msgnetworks #madisonsquaregarden #madisonsquaregardennetworks #spectrum #spectrumsportsnet #swx #swxrightnow #sportsandweatherrightnow #television #televisionnews #announcement #live #livetv #sports #sportsart
#onthisday in 1971 the #concert for #Bangladesh was held in #madisonsquaregarden #nyc. Arranged by #GeorgeHarrison and #ravishankar it included #ringostarr #Bobdylan and #ericclapton. The first #benefit concert of its kind, it continues to raise money for Bangladesh relief through album sales. To date over $20M has been raised. #beatles #history #otd #music #newyorkcity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Concert_for_Bangladesh
#onthisday #concert #bangladesh #madisonsquaregarden #nyc #georgeharrison #ravishankar #ringostarr #bobdylan #ericclapton #benefit #beatles #history #otd #music #newyorkcity
"#GardenParty" is a 1972 song written by #RickNelson and recorded by him and the Stone Canyon Band for the album Garden Party. The song tells the story of Nelson being booed at a concert at #MadisonSquareGarden. It was Nelson's last #top40 hit, reaching No. 6 on the #USBillboardPopChart.
#gardenparty #ricknelson #madisonsquaregarden #top40 #usbillboardpopchart
#WWE #SmackDown airs live next on #FOX from #MadisonSquareGarden in #NewYorkCity, #NewYork!
#NewYork #newyorkcity #madisonsquaregarden #fox #smackdown #wwe
NYT Architecture : Penn Station Is a Perpetual Mess. Change May Be at Hand. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/07/arts/design/penn-station-renovation-proposals.html #MoynihanTrainHallatPennsylvaniaStation(Manhattan,NY) #MetropolitanTransportationAuthority #PennsylvaniaStation(Manhattan,NY) #StationsandTerminals(Passenger) #MadisonSquareGarden #ASTMNorthAmerica #Hochul,KathleenC #TransitSystems #Architecture #NewYorkCity #Railroads
#moynihantrainhallatpennsylvaniastation #metropolitantransportationauthority #pennsylvaniastation #stationsandterminals #madisonsquaregarden #astmnorthamerica #hochul #transitsystems #architecture #newyorkcity #railroads
On this date in 1942, Willis Reed was born in #Louisiana. Drafted by the #nyknicks in 1964, he quickly became one of the best players in the #nba. The 1970 season was arguably his best, winning all kinds of #mvp awards while leading the #knicks to the first of 2 championships. After retiring, he became a coach. Reed passed away earlier this year. #nyc #newyorkcity #madisonsquaregarden #sports #history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willis_Reed
#louisiana #nyknicks #nba #mvp #knicks #nyc #newyorkcity #madisonsquaregarden #sports #history
Today in Labor History June 7, 1913: The radical labor union, IWW, held a fundraising pageant at Madison Square Gardens. The production featured songs and a reenactment of events from the ongoing Paterson strike. It was created and performed by 1,000 mill workers from the silk industry strike. John Reed organized a march of strikers into Manhattan for the pageant.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #iww #paterson #women #union #strike #MadisonSquareGarden
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #paterson #women #union #strike #madisonsquaregarden
May 31st: William Henry #Vanderbilt takes control of the property at 26th Street and Madison Avenue in New York City after the passing of his grandfather Cornelius. He changes the site's name from Gilmore's Garden to #MadisonSquareGarden.
In 1879.
#vanderbilt #madisonsquaregarden #history #ushistory #gildedage #victorianera
The E-Sports World’s Future Is Uncertain as Growth Stalls - At least two organizations in America’s most prominent league for professional video game... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/20/technology/e-sports-revenue-video-gaming.html #computersandtheinternet #computerandvideogames #madisonsquaregarden #tencentholdingsltd #riotgamesinc #fazeclaninc #msgnetwork #e-sports
#e #msgnetwork #fazeclaninc #riotgamesinc #tencentholdingsltd #madisonsquaregarden #computerandvideogames #computersandtheinternet
No, this is not a #Trump rally, although it certainly feels like one.
In 1939, over 20,000 #Americans rallied in #NewYork's #MadisonSquareGarden to celebrate the rise of #Nazism - an event largely forgotten from #US #History
#trump #americans #newyork #madisonsquaregarden #nazism #us #history
du weisst, du hast alles richtig gemacht, wenn du als Gastmusiker im #madisonsquaregarden auf die bühne kommst und nur ein paar töne spielst und das Publikum ausflippt
#lagrange #tush
#madisonsquaregarden #billyjoel #billygibbons #zztop #Lagrange #tush
NYT Architecture : Plan B for Fixing Penn Station Would Wrap Madison Square Garden in Glass https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/28/nyregion/penn-station-hochul-nyc.html #MetropolitanTransportationAuthority #PennsylvaniaStation(Manhattan,NY) #StationsandTerminals(Passenger) #RealEstate(Commercial) #MadisonSquareGarden #VornadoRealtyTrust #Lieber,JohnNathan #NewJerseyTransit #Hochul,KathleenC #Comrie,LeroyGJr #Ravitch,Richard #TransitSystems #ReinventAlbany #Manhattan(NYC) #Architecture #Roth,Steven
#metropolitantransportationauthority #pennsylvaniastation #stationsandterminals #realestate #madisonsquaregarden #vornadorealtytrust #lieber #newjerseytransit #hochul #comrie #ravitch #transitsystems #reinventalbany #manhattan #architecture #roth
Which Stores Are Scanning Your Face? No One Knows. - Our reporter took a five-mile walk around Manhattan to find businesses that are using fac... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/10/technology/facial-recognition-stores.html #supermarketsandgrocerystores #facialrecognitionsoftware #madisonsquaregarden #fairwaysupermarkets #biometrics #macysinc #face
#face #macysinc #biometrics #fairwaysupermarkets #madisonsquaregarden #facialrecognitionsoftware #supermarketsandgrocerystores
New Yorker: A Big-Tent Party at Madison Square Garden https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/a-big-tent-party-at-madison-square-garden #NewYorker #ElectronicDanceMusic(E.D.M.) #Culture/CultureDesk #MadisonSquareGarden #Concerts #Skrillex #dubstep
#newyorker #electronicdancemusic #Culture #madisonsquaregarden #concerts #skrillex #dubstep
https://www.thenation.com/article/society/dolan-msg-tax-abatement/ #MadisonSquareGarden needs a special permit from the city to host events, and it’s up for renewal this year. Ten years ago, the City Council granted an extension with the hopes that the arena would eventually relocate. Dolan wants to make the permit, like the abatement, permanent, but city Democrats are unlikely to grant such a favor.
At the very minimum, New York politicians could force Dolan to halt his use of facial recognition technology.
#madisonsquaregarden #gopgrifters
Today in Labor History February 16, 1934: Thousands of Socialists battled Communists at a rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden. 20 were injured in the melee. The rally was organized to protest the massacre of 1,000 Austrian socialists by the fascist regime of Englbert Dollfuss. 5,000 members of the Communist Party violently disrupted the meeting to prevent Matthew Woll, of the AFL, and New York Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, from speaking. They threw chairs from the balcony.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #fasicsm #communism #socialism #Riot #MadisonSquareGarden
#workingclass #LaborHistory #fasicsm #communism #socialism #Riot #madisonsquaregarden
12 février 1879: 1ère patinoire artificielle en Amérique du Nord (Le #MadisonSquareGarden) #histoire #cejourla #invention
#madisonsquaregarden #histoire #cejourla #invention
#Gesichtserkennung: Streit wegen Einlasskontrolle im Madison Square Garden | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Gesichtserkennung-beim-Einlass-Streit-um-New-Yorks-Madison-Square-Garden-7484927.html #FacialRecognition #Datenschutz #privacy #biometrics #Biometrie #MadisonSquareGarden
#madisonsquaregarden #biometrie #biometrics #privacy #datenschutz #facialrecognition #gesichtserkennung
Get Used to Face Recognition in Stadiums
Madison Square Garden is under fire for using the technology. Other venues are exploring their own uses of face algorithms, raising #privacy concerns.
#facerecognition #msg #madisonsquaregarden
#madisonsquaregarden #msg #facerecognition #privacy