The current state of #Birdsite reminds of #livejournal before the end. A series of bad business decisions leading to account after account going dark, connections scattering to different platforms, many never to be heard from again, or just going dormant as people find something else as a focus, leaving behind a weird sense of hollow loss. I still have my old lj account and occasionally post to it, but nobody ever comments any more. That is where #MadLonnie is taking the old service now.
#madlonnie #livejournal #Birdsite
Can't imagine that# Millennials or #Boomers are happy about all suddenly going to be Xers. #Twits #Birdsite #MadLonnie
#madlonnie #Birdsite #twits #boomers
We're ten hours into 4/20 day, on this side of the pond (where technically it is 20/4), so I have to ask: Has #MadLonnie tweeted something dumb yet? #GoodMorning
Never mind #MadLonnie, here is the only aircraft I care about tracking today.
#SantaTracker #santa #flightradar24 #madlonnie
@Nash076 If #MadLonnie is so desperate for social contact, then he could do some shifts at a foodbank filling food parcels for the hungry. I do. Heaven knows we could all use more hands every day. There are always more hungry people than there are hands to feed them. Our society is broken.
@Nash076 Standard procedure for #MadLonnie, isn't it. Try to distract from all the other woes like Tesla being in trouble and the ongoing #Birdsite debacle, by making a big splashy announcement of vaporwear to distract the gullible. c.f. #Cybertruck
#cybertruck #Birdsite #madlonnie
#Birdsite not only can't pay its corporate debts, but it now can't even pay its staff salaries. That turkey is cooked. Well done, #MadLonnie, for driving a service into the ground in record time. What a nimrod.
So #MadLonnie said he considered #Birdsite to be the town square of the 21stC, but he failed to consider what happens to townsquares when invaders roll into town. Everybody packs up and leaves. Welcome to #TwitterRefugees, btw.
#madlonnie #birdsite #twitterrefugees