Rewatching #Hannibal.... My god this show was brilliant.
Stunning cast, amazing performances. Awesome effects and such an excellent alternative take on the source material
#hanniballector #tvshows #MadsMikkelsen #crimeshows #creepy #horror
#hannibal #hanniballector #tvshows #madsmikkelsen #crimeshows #creepy #horror
Per chi ama gli hannigram
I love hannigram
#Hannibal #Fannibals #FannibalsxRewatch #MadsMikkelsen
#hannibal #fannibals #fannibalsxrewatch #madsmikkelsen
‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ Review: A Cantankerous Sequel That Drowns in Hindsight A belated review for Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Wasn't a fan. Now playing in theaters. @indianajones #IndianaJones #moviereviews #action #adventure #HarrisonFord #PhoebeWallerBridge #MadsMikkelsen #JamesMangold #movies #WaltDisneyStudios #Lucasfilm #newreleases #nowplaying
#indianajones #moviereviews #action #adventure #harrisonford #phoebewallerbridge #madsmikkelsen #jamesmangold #movies #waltdisneystudios #lucasfilm #newreleases #nowplaying
Focus #IndianaJones 5/5
Indiana Jones et le Cadran de la Destinée (2023)
Arrêtez de vous voiler la face, Harrison Ford n’a plus l’âge pour ce type de rôle, laissez Indy à l’EHPAD.
#IndianaJonesEtLeCadranDeLaDestinée #JamesMangold #HarrisonFord #PhoebeWallerBridge #MadsMikkelsen #AntonioBanderas #Film #Cinema #Aventure
#indianajones #indianajonesetlecadrandeladestinee #jamesmangold #harrisonford #phoebewallerbridge #madsmikkelsen #antoniobanderas #film #cinema #aventure
Consider the ways #DialOfDestiny borrows from movies most people have seen already: #MadsMikkelsen as a supervillain, an artifact that can alter reality like the Tesseract in #Marvel movies.
"Heck, yeah! I'll see more of what I've seen anytime!" #Sarcasm
#dialofdestiny #madsmikkelsen #marvel #sarcasm
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
Gizmodo: Open Channel: Tell Us Your Thoughts on Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #entertainmentculture #indianajonesfilms #madsmikkelsen #indianajones #ethanisidore #jamesmangold #phoebewaller #harrisonford #startrek #cannes #jones
#MadsMikkelsen has resting villain face and was born to play a Nazi. Denmark was occupied by the Nazis, but got off lightly, with some suspicions of high-level collaboration.
#blog #blogger #review #MovieReview #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny #JamesMangold #HarrisonFord #PhoebeWallerBridge #MadsMikkelsen #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #FortuneAndGlory
#blog #blogger #review #moviereview #indianajones #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #jamesmangold #harrisonford #phoebewallerbridge #madsmikkelsen #movies #film #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #fortuneandglory
Filmy i seriale:
»Piąty „Indiana Jones”«
Trzy pierwsze filmy o przygodach ubranego w charakterystyczne kapelusz i kurtkę, i zbrojnego w bicz archeologa, były wielkimi sukcesami. Czwarty... niekoniecznie. Niemniej - powstał piąty, podobno zamykający cykl, zatytułowany "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny", w którym Stevena Spielberga i George'a Lucasa zastąpił w roli reżysera i scenarzysty James Mangold. Poza - tradycyjnie - Harrisonem Fordem, w rolach głównych zobaczymy Phoebe Waller-Bridge (jako Helenę, chrześnicę bohatera głównego)
#Fahrenheit_zin #HarrisonFord #IndianaJones #MadsMikkelsen #JamesMangold #IndianaJonesandtheDialofDestiny #IndianaJonesitarczaprzeznaczenia
#fahrenheit_zin #harrisonford #indianajones #madsmikkelsen #jamesmangold #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #indianajonesitarczaprzeznaczenia
Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny Is A Fitting Send Off To The Iconic Character That Should Please True Fans Of The Series
The character of legendary arch
#MoviesVideoTheater #Reviews #GeorgeLucas #HarrisonFord #IndianaJonesAndTheDialOfDestiny #JamesMangold #JohnWilliams #MadsMikkelsen #PhoebeWallerBridge #StevenSpielberg
#moviesvideotheater #reviews #georgelucas #harrisonford #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #jamesmangold #johnwilliams #madsmikkelsen #PhoebeWallerBridge #stevenspielberg
If you haven't watched this series, do yourself a favor and check it out. The first episode will hook you. He's still the best Hannibal Lector to hit any screen, imo.
“It’s All About Finding a Home for It” – Mads Mikkelsen Still Hungry for a “Hannibal” Return
#hannibal #fannibal #madsmikkelsen #HorrorFam #horror
Während der #WWDC23-#Keynote wurden die Vorzüge der neuen #Macs auch mit Hilfe eines neuen #macOS-Spiels präsentiert: #DeathStrandingDirectorsCut. Ab sofort ist das #Game auch im #MacAppStore zur #Vorbestellung verfügbar. Die macOS-Version soll am 2. Dezember dieses Jahres zum Preis von 39,99 Euro erscheinen.
#appgefahren #Apple #AppleBlog #Mac #iPhone #iPad #Spiel #Spiele #HideoKojima #NormanReedus #MadsMikkelsen
#wwdc23 #keynote #macs #macos #DeathStrandingDirectorsCut #game #macappstore #vorbestellung #appgefahren #Apple #appleblog #mac #iphone #ipad #spiel #spiele #hideokojima #normanreedus #madsmikkelsen
Kotaku: Indiana Jones 5’s Mads Mikkelsen On Why He’s Always The Evil Dude #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #grandadmiralthrawn #gellertgrindelwald #fictionalcyborgs #jc3bcrgenvoller #deathstranding #hanniballecter #madsmikkelsen #cliffordunger #humaninterest #indianajones #hideokojima #danielcraig #duncanvizla #darthvader #ahsokatano #mikkelsen #lucasfilm
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #grandadmiralthrawn #gellertgrindelwald #fictionalcyborgs #jc3bcrgenvoller #deathstranding #hanniballecter #madsmikkelsen #cliffordunger #humaninterest #indianajones #hideokojima #danielcraig #duncanvizla #darthvader #ahsokatano #mikkelsen #lucasfilm
INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY (2023) Movie Trailer 2: Intriguing New Trailer for the 5th Indiana Jones Film
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #MoviePoster #AntonioBanderas #BoydHolbrook #DisneyPlus #HarrisonFord #IndianaJonesandtheDialofDestiny #JohnRhys-Davies #MadsMikkelsen #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #PhoebeWaller-Bridge #ShaunetteRenéeWilson #ThomasKretschmann #TobyJones #WaltDisneyStudiosMotionPictures
#filmbook #movietrailer #movieposter #antoniobanderas #boydholbrook #disneyplus #harrisonford #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #johnrhys #madsmikkelsen #phoebewaller #shaunettereneewilson #thomaskretschmann #tobyjones #waltdisneystudiosmotionpictures
Sunday bloody Sunday... <;
For your #Hannibal needs, here I come with another #HannibalLecter - I hope you like it! 💙
#hannibal #hanniballecter #portrait #madsmikkelsen #blood #Wisesnail