Latest update from the Maemo Leste team, and they've made some huge improvements - really impressive work.
Flashing now to my Pinephone to give it a whirl.
@Edent What a memory lane.
I got Nokia N900 (#Maemo! CLI. <3) and HTC Sense (my second Android after the G1 afaik) from 2010. Graffiti is the oldest third party app I remember. It allowed people to draw on the wall of friends. I had to look up what the Flock browser did. Apparently it tried to make browsing more social/integrated with social media platforms.
Trying to install the Maemo SDK 2.2 again, after what? 15 years?
The bitrot with this one is severe!
At least the files are still being served fine...but installing it and getting it to work is the real challenge!
Hopefully, I will have my projects building for the Nokia 770 very soon!
#retro #crosscompilation #scratchbox #maemo
@mstankiewicz @Fan_Technologii
Windows mobile i Elop zabili potęgę Nokii.
MeeGo to projekt Intela - przypomnę tylko, że pewna część pracowników Nokii, otrzymała odprawy w patentach i stworzyli firmę #Jolla z systemem #SailfishOS. Ciekawy jest też dev model n950 czy słynna n900, które jest up-to-date z latest kernelem do dnia dzisiejszego (#maemo leste).
Still working ! #nokia #nokiamobile #nokiatablet #linux #oldgear #maemo #n800 #nokian800
#nokia #nokiamobile #nokiatablet #linux #oldgear #maemo #n800 #nokian800
@roygreenhilt hasn't been used in a good while now but here it is! And yes, it was an amazing device. Can't believe that was 15 years ago!
#nokia #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #vintagecomputing #linux #maemo
#nokia #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #vintagecomputing #linux #maemo
These things really are sorta adorable. Nokia N810 "Internet tablet" from 2007.
#nokia #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #vintagecomputing #linux #maemo
#nokia #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #vintagecomputing #linux #maemo redirect done, and auto-renew turned off.
It'll continue to be available at indefinitely, hopefully providing some kind of time capsule for an interesting time in mobile devices, development and community where #Maemo (and, to an extent, #MeeGo) held so much potential.
Of course, the work continues in the great #SailfishOS community - but unfortunately, not something I've got time for.
After 13 years, and 10 years after the last update, I'm going to let #Maemo/#MeeGo Weekly News ( expire.
I'll set up a sub-domain of another site with the content, and set up a redirect.
Inspired by, thanks to all those who contributed.
Exciting news for fans of #Maemo! Alberto Mardegan, who originally worked on the platform back in 2006, has returned to the team at OMP to work on the evolved version of Maemo known as #AuroraOS. While the focus is currently on business customers, the consumer market is still in the works. He also shares his reasoning for choosing to work with a company based in Russia, amid the ongoing sanctions and blacklisting of banks. Read more about his new job:
After having used #Symbian and #Harmattan and #WindowsPhone OSes as daily drivers, I was pretty much forced to choose #Android or #iOS at this point, but I did get a #Jolla smartphone to keep one foot in the non-mainstream OS space. Jolla's #SailfishOS was a direct descendent of #Maemo / #Nokia #MeeGo and #Harmattan. It had some fairly limited Android application support, but modern life and things like #BankID, online banking, etc, simply wouldn't run.
#bankid #meego #nokia #maemo #sailfishos #jolla #iOS #android #WindowsPhone #harmattan #symbian
The ad for the #GalaxyZFlip4 is in heavy rotation in #bioreklam, which has been making me consider the whole #iPhone vs #android conundrum. Over the years I’ve had both, but I’ve also had others - and I mean in the #smartphone era. I have a non-mainstream phone now which I’ll get to talking about later, but my first alt-phone was a #NokiaN9 that ran #Harmattan which was an offshoot of #Maemo and/or #MeeGo Linux. Geez, I loved that phone.
#meego #maemo #harmattan #nokian9 #smartphone #android #iphone #bioreklam #GalaxyZFlip4
I finally boooted #maemo leste on my #pinephone---so easy! I'm happy to have a modern maemo system, where I can dabble with python on the go.
I'm still amazed at what creative collaboration can produce out of the latent potentials in the creation. Grateful for #common-grace.
My first tweet was back in 2007. I was travelling for work and got caught in Detroit due to a snowstorm. Little did I know I'd eventually be in many more snow storms in Michigan, but at the time, I was sitting in a hotel room with my #nokia #n800.
I miss #maemo as an OS. It was a great little Linux machine. I eventually carried a Nokia n900 for many years, and I was in love with the idea of a pocket-ish UNIX computer. After my #zarus, the n800 was such a welcome breath of fresh air.
RT @maemoleste
What those create #maemo leste folks mean when they say they have hardware available for developers. These devices just in. Mostly Droid 4, with some Droid 2 and Atrix and Razr devices mixed in.