However, a week has passed, and at Maersk's press releases, there seems to be yet to be an announcement of the ship setting sail.
There are several mentions #Maersk is working towards launching green methanol ships, but there is no mention of a maiden voyage
🚢 🇩🇰 🧵
Green hype? 1/2
The fast company announced on 17/07/2023 that #Maersk would launch the world's first #green methanol ship later that week
#Aircraft is entering the airspace.
Model: Boeing 767 204ERBDSF
Callsign: #SRR6566
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Altitude: 34300 ft
First seen above: #Breberen
First seen: 2023-07-18 03:33:19
Last seen: 2023-07-18 03:57:00
To: EDI Edinburgh, United Kingdom
#aircraft #srr6566 #maersk #breberen #follow
#Aircraft is entering the airspace.
Model: Boeing 767 204ERBDSF
Callsign: #SRR6978
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Altitude: 28449 ft
First seen above: #Dilsen-Stokkem
First seen: 2023-07-18 02:43:12
Last seen: 2023-07-18 03:07:26
To: BFS Belfast, United Kingdom
#aircraft #srr6978 #maersk #dilsen #follow
An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #45CE4F
Flight Number: #SRR6646
First seen above: #Troisdorf
Altitude: 2075 ft
Model: Boeing 767 25EBDSF
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Departed From: #CGN Cologne Bonn, Germany
Heading To: #LIS Lisbon Portela, Portugal
First seen: 2023-07-17 02:42:19
Last seen: 2023-07-17 02:53:20
#Follow this flight: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=45CE4F
#aircraft #icao #45ce4f #srr6646 #troisdorf #maersk #cgn #lis #follow
An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #45CE49
Flight Number: #SRR6498
First seen above: #Köln
Altitude: 1175 ft
Model: Boeing 767 25EBDSF
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Departed From: #CGN Cologne Bonn, Germany
Heading To: #BLQ Bologna / Borgo Panigale, Italy
First seen: 2023-07-17 01:56:12
Last seen: 2023-07-17 02:05:13
#Follow this flight: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=45CE49
#aircraft #icao #45ce49 #srr6498 #koln #maersk #cgn #blq #follow
An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #45CE4D
Flight Number: #SRR6382
First seen above: #Köln
Altitude: 900 ft
Model: Boeing 767 25EBDSF
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Departed From: #CGN Cologne Bonn, Germany
Heading To: #BOD Bordeaux-Mérignac, Bordeaux, France
First seen: 2023-07-17 01:24:07
Last seen: 2023-07-17 01:33:09
#Follow this flight: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=45CE4D
#aircraft #icao #45ce4d #srr6382 #koln #maersk #cgn #bod #follow
An #Aircraft has entered or is near the Dutch airspace.
#ICAO: #45CE48
Flight Number: #SRR6978
First seen above: #Köln
Altitude: 150 ft
Model: Boeing 767 204ERBDSF
Operator: #Maersk Air Cargo
Departed From: #CGN Cologne Bonn, Germany
Heading To: #BFS Belfast, United Kingdom
First seen: 2023-07-17 01:08:05
Last seen: 2023-07-17 01:10:06
#Follow this flight: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=45CE48
#aircraft #icao #45ce48 #srr6978 #koln #maersk #cgn #bfs #follow
Maersk implementeert AI-gestuurde robotoplossing in warehouse in het VK
#AI #ArtificialInteligence #robots #Maersk #logistiek #logistics
#logistics #Logistiek #maersk #robots #artificialinteligence #ai
About 90% of global #trade is transported by sea b/w #MSC and #Maersk - They control as much as a third of the international container business, chart @FT https://shorturl.at/ejwCH
WATCH: 2022-built New Panamax container ship Maersk Camden sails from berth 8 at the Port of Felixstowe at around 7.30am on the morning of Monday, 12 June 2023.
She is designed to fit through the new locks on the Panama Canal, with a length of 366 metres and a beam of 51 metres, and can carry 15,413 TEU of containers.
#ship #shipsandshipping #Maersk #Felixstowe #containership #MaerskCamden
#ship #shipsandshipping #maersk #felixstowe #containership #maerskcamden
Maersk opent distributiecentrum in Kaapstad
Lees meer: https://www.transport-online.nl/site/153876/maersk-opent-distributiecentrum-in-kaapstad/
#Kaapstad #CapeTown #maersk #warehouse #logistiek #logistics
#logistics #Logistiek #warehouse #maersk #capetown #kaapstad
Shipping giant #Maersk found sailing illegal timber from Mozambique to China.
Ida Theilade, professor at the University of Copenhagen: "Morally, of course, it is unforgivable. Illegal logging in southern Africa is typically organised crime carried out by cartels with links to corruption at the political level and with major negative consequences for local populations. I do not understand that Maersk wants to be associated with such a destructive industry".
Eines der letzten seiner Art.
#HamburgSüd #Maersk #fotografie
#hamburgsud #maersk #fotografie
Maersk verkoopt logistieke activa in Rusland
Lees meer: https://www.transport-online.nl/site/150978/maersk-verkoopt-logistieke-activa-in-rusland/
“Most companies’ climate strategies are mired by ambiguous commitments, offsetting plans that lack credibility and emission scope exclusions,” the 2023 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor report states, but companies like #Apple and #Maersk that are doing pretty damn good in comparison should receive praise from us in order to help more companies see that it's good business to do better. https://newclimate.org/resources/publications/corporate-climate-responsibility-monitor-2023
Rote Schiffe auf der Elbe werden seltener: HAMBURG SÜD verschwindet nun auch als Marke. Maersk - unterwegs mit den himmelblauen Schiffen - vereinigt alle Tochtermarken unter einer Marke.
#Hamburg #HamburgSued #Maersk
RT @Maersk: Maersk and @MSCCargo have mutually agreed to discontinue 2M alliance in 2025.
We will continue the strong collaboration and remain committed to delivering to our customers throughout the remainder of the agreement period.
#Maersk #MSC #shipping #logistics https://t.co/CM6crTPOlo
#maersk #msc #shipping #logistics
I'm re-reading WIRED's article on the #NotPetya attack that affected #Maersk in 2017.
I tell my friends and colleagues this is a legendary story, because of its scale and impact, and how it marks, to me, the beginning of the #ransomware era (even though this was just a wiper, not a real ransomware).
But I think it's legendary to me because it was the story that really got me interested in cybersecurity, and led me down the path I'm on now.
#notpetya #maersk #ransomware #nowreading