The Ness of Brodgar is a Neolithic Age site discovered in 2002 CE through a geophysical survey of the area of land in Stenness in Orkney, Scotland, which separates the salt water Stenness Loch from the fresh water Harray Loch. #History #BarnhouseSettlement #Maeshowe #Neolithic
#neolithic #maeshowe #barnhousesettlement #History
Und dann ging es zur Hauptattraktion: #Maeshowe. Das bekannte Hügelgrab ist fast nur mit Vorbuchung zu besichtigen, 2 Karten waren heute noch zu haben. Gut sortierter Shop, aber das Grab ist gar nicht so beeindruckend, wenn man Newgrange oder die Straße der Megalithkultur in Niedersachsen kennt. Innen ist Fotoverbot, es gibt Wikingerrunen und vier Standing Stones zu sehen.
The Barnhouse Settlement is a Neolithic village located in Antaness, Orkney, Scotland, which was inhabited between c. #History #BarnhouseSettlement #Maeshowe #Neolithic
#neolithic #maeshowe #barnhousesettlement #History
The Barnhouse Settlement is a Neolithic village located in Antaness, Orkney, Scotland, which was inhabited between c. 3300 and 2600 BCE. The present designation of 'Barnhouse' comes from the name of the farmland on which the village was discovered in 1984 CE by the archaeologist Dr. Colin Richards. Excavation of the site began in 1986 CE, revealing ten stone buildings which conformed in design ... #BarnhouseSettlement #Maeshowe #Neolithic #History
#History #neolithic #maeshowe #barnhousesettlement
Tombs, Battlements, Bark And Underpasses: Your Guide To The Archaeology Of Graffiti In Scotland (contains traces of Vikings) - DigIt Scotland #MaesHowe #Orkney #Vikings #graffiti
#maeshowe #orkney #vikings #graffiti
@Indyposterboy totally agree.
The ancients knew the sacred nature of this time of year. #Orkney #Maeshowe #LightInTheDark
#lightinthedark #maeshowe #orkney
The Ness of Brodgar is a Neolithic Age site discovered in 2002 CE through a geophysical survey of the area of land in Stenness in Orkney, Scotland, which separates the salt water Stenness Loch from the fresh water Harray Loch. Excavation of the site, which covers 6.2 acres (2.5 hectares), began in 2003 CE, when a stone slab was ploughed up north of the site, and is ongoing with only 10% of the ... #BarnhouseSettlement #Maeshowe #Neolithic
#neolithic #maeshowe #barnhousesettlement
En dit is een foto van Maes Howe, het hunebed/langgraf waar tijdens de winterzonnewende de zon, tussen twee staande stenen doorgaat, door de lange gang, dan de achterwand raakt.
Ouder dan de Egyptische piramides.
#maeshowe #winterstoltice #orkney
Decided to share my "journey to Maeshowe" winter solstice meditation journey here. I've been doing this for many years now. I first posted this version to my PiFo about 2 years ago.
Enjoy 😊
#yule #WinterSolstice #meditation #TranceJourney #MeditationJourney #pagan #witchcraft #witch #Maeshowe
#yule #wintersolstice #meditation #trancejourney #meditationjourney #pagan #witchcraft #witch #maeshowe