Cloudflare encroached and breached the borders of the free and open internet, like #NATO encroach on #Russia.
#nato #russia #cloudflareIsTheMalware #extortionists #mafias
The latest issue of the International Journal on Criminology has been released, featuring articles on topics such as global #mafias, #antiterrorism policies in #France, #financial #crimes, #film and #COVID19
#mafias #antiterrorism #france #financial #crimes #film #COVID19
Multan con 180.000.000 a ex ministro de #Pinochet, #HernanBuchi por información privilegiada, al ser directivo de empresas rivales al mismo tiempo. Eso es una negacion del #LibreComercio y competencia, pero es la forma normal como las grandes #empresas operan en chile son #mafias
#pinochet #hernanbuchi #librecomercio #empresas #mafias
Gracias por vuestro trabajo @RocioMo76671738 @APRAMP
RT @RocioMo76671738: Gracias @cruzmorcillo «Marcela es el ejemplo de vida y como hemos avanzado en la protección de las mujeres y niñas víctimas de trata .
Aún falta una sociedad que señale a los verdaderos culpables de la explotación #mafias #proxenetas y #pueteros #avancemos
#mafias #proxenetas #pueteros #avancemos
Carne Cruda Podcast: Sportswashing: blanqueo de #dictaduras
#podcast #politica #blanqueo #mafias #futbol #dictaduras
Los mismos métodos en todas partes. La misma manipulación de la extrema #derecha, siempre protegida por #twitter. Nadie puede nada contra ellos:
#RedesDeMentiras #mafias #derechas #espana #twitter #derecha
Soutien aux producteurs qui luttent contre les #mafias.
#GSAVi45 : "soutenir les producteurs de produits issus de luttes sociales (biens confisqués à des organisations criminelles, usines reprises par les travailleurs d’une entreprise délocalisée, etc.). Par ailleurs, le GSA Vi45 veut fournir à ses membres en Belgique et aux citoyens d’autres pays des produits de qualité à des prix raisonnables. Les produits proposés par le GSA Vi45 sont choisis en fonction de leur respect de la nature et du travail des femmes et des hommes."
#mafia #culturacontrocamorra
#culturacontrocamorra #mafia #GSAVi45 #mafias
Entre #mafias et #fascistes, ce n'est pas nouveau, on se soutient. #Darmanin n'est pas en reste, bien sûr. Ni #Jacob bien entendu. Classe politique de pourritures, du #RN à #EELV, du #PS à #LREM. 🤮
Après la condamnation de Nicolas #Sarkozy, une droite stupéfaite soutient l'ancien président.
#eelv #ps #lrem #sarkozy #mafias #fascistes #darmanin #jacob #rn
We are not Dick, just supporters of his Fair Go movement and yes, rallying against this #extortion was a part of that movement.
You are right we do often need to skip dodgy sites but rarely need to go to the next page.
Your idea to outright block #mafias is a good one.
This is why we use the term #JeffreyEpsteinClass. It's become well-known the CIA lie, cheat, steal and murder to get results they want.
But it was always for the good, of course. Like the #WarOnDrugs was only to #massIncarcerate those pesky blacks, while allowing #police and #mafias, dealing at the streetLevel to thrive.
It seems #JeffreyEpstein abused children for the CIA, allowing #pedophiles to benefit from #insideKnowledge of upcoming #tradeDeals.
#jeffreyEpsteinClass #warondrugs #massIncarcerate #police #mafias #jeffreyepstein #pedophiles #insideKnowledge #tradedeals #EndTheCIA
#DavidGraeber dies at 59.
Here is an interview he gave on the topic of #BatshitConstruction. How the #propertyDevelopment, #realEstate and #construction cartel form #mafias around #politicians with the help of #politicalDonations and #organisedCrime.
Please watch (this is probably the reason why he is now dead)
#davidgraeber #BatshitConstruction #propertyDevelopment #realestate #construction #mafias #politicians #politicalDonations #organisedCrime
FYI this is what happens when you #printMoney for #wallstreet, #siliconValley and #mafias like the #military and #paramilitary.
Its called #demoralisation.
If you think many #police are not on the side of the #protesters, you may be wrong.
#printMoney #wallstreet #siliconvalley #mafias #military #paramilitary #demoralisation #police #protesters
Interview #1 : Irène Frachon et le lobby pharmaceutique
#IrèneFrachon #Médiator #Lobby #Lobbies #Médicament #Santé #Vaccin #Servier #LaboratoiresPharmaceutiques #UE #UnionEuropéenne #Capitalisme #Mafias #Politique #LanceurDAlerte
#irènefrachon #médiator #lobby #lobbies #médicament #santé #vaccin #servier #laboratoirespharmaceutiques #ue #unioneuropéenne #capitalisme #mafias #politique #lanceurdalerte