Watching Jackson Harrison on floor is just SUCH a delight. The tumbling! The leaps and jumps! The flourishes! #gymnastics #MAG
As the initiative #GuteMission (the former "Café Kyiv" when it started) just got part of this wonderful #GoodMOrningAmerica TV #magazine, here is more:
1️⃣ the WE AID page of the initiative:
2️⃣ the #GMA #mag 5 mins #video on #youtube for you:
3️⃣ Let´s do this! 😇
#yesWEAID #humanitarianaid #refugees #newstart #worldrefugeeday #emergencyaid #nothilfe #socent #entrepreneur #Education #Cooking #kindness #liveunited #founders #news
#EmergencyAid #WorldRefugeeDay #founders #LiveUnited #kindness #Cooking #Education #entrepreneur #socent #nothilfe #newstart #Refugees #humanitarianaid #yesweaid #YouTube #Video #mag #gma #magazine #goodmorningamerica #gutemission #TV #News
Before anyone can “make America great again,” it has to have been “great” at least once before. America hasn’t come anywhere close to that mark.
America is arguably good, but it is far from great. Do I love this country? Yes, I do, but not to the extent that I’m going to delude myself into thinking that it’s anything more than it daily reminds me it has been, or that it is. That’s candor; that’s the truth. Don’t like it? I don’t give a damn. Deal with it.
Se a entidade The Eye fosse tentar um ritual no nosso mundo seria através de uma rede social não de um instituto de pesquisa.
Nagrody Nowej Fantastyki 2023
Podczas odbywających się w miniony weekend Warszawskich Targów Książki zostali ogłoszeni laureaci Nagrody Nowej Fantastyki za rok 2022.[…]
#Fahrenheit_zin #Zasadatrójek #Powergraph #BorysStrugaccy #NowaFantastyka #SergioToppi #PrószyńskiiSka #Toppi #RadekRak #LostInTime #MAG #TomaszGrządzielaSpell #MichałJakuszewski #KulturaGniewu #EwaBiałołęcka #ArkadijStrugacki #AdaPalmer #MartaSobiecka #MartaDudaGryc #AglaAlef #Byćmożegwiazdy #Wywróconyświatiinneutwory #PawełLaudański
#fahrenheit_zin #zasadatrojek #powergraph #borysstrugaccy #nowafantastyka #sergiotoppi #proszynskiiska #toppi #radekrak #lostintime #mag #tomaszgrzadzielaspell #michaljakuszewski #kulturagniewu #ewabialolecka #arkadijstrugacki #adapalmer #martasobiecka #martadudagryc #aglaalef #bycmozegwiazdy #wywroconyswiatiinneutwory #pawellaudanski
🎧 It's #BadBunny's world, we're just living in it—with headphones on.
#NewMusicFriday "Where She Goes"
"...his just-released Jersey club cut “Where She Goes.” The English-titled, Spanish-language song sees the #PuertoRican hitmaker playing with dynamism with a subtle #dembow #rhythm, courtesy of super producer #MAG."
#stillz #Film #mag #rhythm #dembow #puertorican #newmusicfriday #badbunny
Enantiomeric , Chirality, Racemic,
(#Mag Mar a Lago Fake News Idiot)
MAG Corcom: Rottenburger Komonentenlieferant MAG Corcom hat den Transformationsprozess eingeleitet (Foto: Archiv) #Maschinenbau #Komponenten #MAG #Corcom via @Tagblatt
#maschinenbau #Komponenten #mag #corcom
マジプリ感激!五木ひろしが「イモトのWiFi」CMソングを生披露 「イモトのWiFi」新CM発表会5
#Celebrities #Celebrity #CM #MAG!C☆PRINCE #maidigitv #mantan #Vlog #イモトアヤコ #マジプリ感激五木ひろしがイモトのWiFiCMソングを生披露イモトのWiFi新CM発表会5 #取材・リポート #芸能
#celebrities #celebrity #cm #mag #maidigitv #mantan #vlog #イモトアヤコ #マジプリ感激五木ひろしがイモトのwificmソングを生披露イモトのwifi新cm発表会5 #取材・リポート #芸能
#Hure ❤ Bad Homburg Vor Der Höhe Switch Succubus Ich Mag Es Dirty - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Bad_Homburg #Vor #Der #Höhe #Switch #Succubus #Ich #Mag #Es #Dirty - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #Bad_Homburg #Vor #der #hohe #switch #succubus #Ich #mag #es #Dirty #sex
The Young Sorceress – Adventure in a world of steam and magic, dinosaurs and dragons, wizards and rifles! - The Sorceress and the Dragon Book 4 - $2.99 for nook -
#ad #books #fantasy #steampunk #mag
#ad #books #fantasy #steampunk #mag
#duet with @alternativenews1 #fyp #Duet #friends #freedomfighters #mag... | TikTok
#mag #freedomfighters #friends #fyp #duet
🚨 New pipeline release! 🚨
🦠 The nf-core/mag v2.3.0 (Red Cow) pipeline for #metagenome assembly and binning now includes CheckM and GUNC for improved #MAG completeness esimates, CONCOCT as an additional binner, and improved CAT reporting, alongside a range of bug fixes and improvements!
Thanks as always to all the contributors!
Mag is "Raging in Silence" with new album #2023_02_27 #earmilk #josh_loewen #hip_hop #rap #for_real #mag #vancouver_hip_hop
#2023_02_27 #earmilk #josh_loewen #hip_hop #rap #for_real #mag #vancouver_hip_hop