#Trump posted on his crappy, ego-stroking social media platform, "I HAD TO FLY TO A FILTHY, DIRTY, FALLING APART, & VERY UNSAFE WASHINGTON, D.C., TODAY."
But if he has so much contempt and disdain for Washington DC, why is he putting so much effort into being installed back into the White House, which is smack-dab in the middle of Washington DC? 🤔
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpGrift #MAGAfools #RepublicanIdiocy #TrumpCult
#trump #trumpindictment #tRumpGrift #magafools #republicanidiocy #trumpcult
This idiot doesn't have the knowledge or access to make this assertion. Like virtually all MAGAts, Chansley is utterly lacking in critical thinking skills, and exhibits the Dunning-Krueger effect every time he opens his mouth.
#TrumpIndictment #insurrection #QanonShaman #MAGAfools #MAGATerrorists
#trumpindictment #insurrection #qanonshaman #magafools #magaterrorists
Credulous rubes like Lara Logan keep posting fake articles because they want to be deceived. They're so hungry for signs that the bullshit they believe are really true that they rush to propagate anything that seems to confirm it. Then, when it invariably becomes apparent that they're spreading nonsense, they post retractions that minimize their culpability, and deflect blame to an ambiguous other. This is a case study of the mind of MAGAts.
Tania Joy Gibson once told a crowd of 4,000 people that the gender-affirming care trans people receive is the work of the literal devil, a scheme of mass sterilization to steal the “seed” of humanity.
If that's really the Devil's plan, why would he target a tiny community that only comprises 1-2% of the population? The math simply doesn't support that notion. This is the insanity of the white Christian nationalist mentality.
#transrights #gopdeathcult #magafools
The #dishonesty of these #MAGA people knows no bounds. If you're captured on someone's Ring doorbell cam walking up to a house, and then you kick the door in and ransack the place, the video of you walking up to the house doesn't negate the rest of the video showing you ransacking the house. But that is the argument this schmuck is making.
#dishonesty #MAGA #magafools #qanon #shaman #derp
I didn't understand why Trump would refuse a deal that would have ended the case, and removed the possibility of a prison sentence. But now I think I get it. Trump knew he'd be able to use the trial to bilk his acolytes out of millions of dollars. Seperating his followers from their money seems to be Trump's primary source of income now.
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpIsACriminal #TrumpLies #TrumpGrift #AnotherTrialAnotherDollar #MAGAfools
#trumpindictment #trumpisacriminal #TrumpLies #tRumpGrift #anothertrialanotherdollar #magafools
Trump claims the US government has been waging a psychological warfare operation on the American people for the past 7 years...
... But Trump was president for 4 of those years, so...
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpGrift #MAGAfools #RepublicanIdiocy #TrumpCult
#trumpindictment #tRumpGrift #magafools #republicanidiocy #trumpcult
I don't know it for a fact, but I strongly suspect each and every one of these people is a Trump supporters. And they believe they should be in charge of deciding what is and is not taught in public schools... 🤦♂️
Someone needs to break the news to Marjorie Traitor-Greene that she's not going win an Emmy for her weepy "those poor election denialists!" routine. Someone also needs to explain that her belief that the 2020 election was "rigged" doesn't change the fact that it wasn't. What a lying jerk.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #RepublicansAreTheProblem #MAGAfools #TrumpLost #MarjorieTraitorGreene #RepublicanLosers
#GOPfascists #goplies #republicansaretheproblem #magafools #trumplost #marjorietraitorgreene #republicanlosers
The constituents of #LaurenBoebert and #MarjorieTraitorGreene should be outraged by the bad faith, and sheer idiocy of these two legislators. Their actions reveal that they both view their voters with contempt, and believe those they will swallow whatever nonsense they dish out, no questions asked. Let's hope enough of those voters deny them another term. For all of our sake.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #RepublicansAreTheProblem #MAGAfools
#LaurenBoebert #marjorietraitorgreene #GOPfascists #goplies #republicansaretheproblem #magafools
It's a day that ends in Y, so Trump is calling for his low-information base to give him more money. I still don't understand why a multi-billionaire whose entire identity is based on how rich he is needs to constantly bilk his followers for cash. And what sort of person just keeps sending checks to this guy?
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpGrift #MAGAfools #RepublicanIdiocy #TrumpCult
#trumpindictment #tRumpGrift #magafools #republicanidiocy #trumpcult
Jim Jordan is the fools' pied piper. Alvin Bragg's reply is intelligent, poignant and constitutionally on point.
When you've lost Newt Gingrich...
😂 😂 😂 #MAGAFools #GOPTraitors
'Blackmailers': Newt Gingrich slams 'self-righteous and militant' Republicans https://www.rawstory.com/militant-gop/