#DebtCeiling This Debt Crisis Is Not Like 2011’s. It’s Worse.
Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor would know.
#MAGArepublicanExtremists #BidenAgenda #GOOtraitorsToDemocracy
#DebtCeiling #magarepublicanextremists #Bidenagenda #gootraitorstodemocracy #SeditiousTraitorJoshHawley is doing a book tour for his new book “Manhood,” he told men at an event called the Stronger Men’s Conference of the importance of being a “mighty man of valor,” described in the Bible by using God-given “strength and power.” #MAGArepublicanExtremists #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy #IndictJoshHawley
#seditioustraitorjoshhawley #magarepublicanextremists #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #indictjoshhawley
Watch "CNBC host goes OFF SCRIPT and HUMILIATES fascist Kevin McCarthy on Live TV" on YouTube #MAGArepublicanExtremists [ PIP ]
The 45th Administration Raised the Debt Ceiling 3 TIMES During 45th's ONE TERM Predency. Total 1/3+ of the NATIONAL DEBT.
Kevin McCarthy Needs A CAR SALESMAN JOB. Anyone WILLING to Hire KKKevin?
( no offense to car salesmen )
KKKevin McCarthy is UNFIT. REMOVE HIM.
#SeditiousTraitorKevinMcCarthy #GOPlies
#magarepublicanextremists #seditioustraitorkevinmccarthy #goplies He's so crazy.. Is it Time for the GOP to Panic?
While some claim that the problem of Christianity is that it’s not taught in schools; the real problem of Christianity is that it is not, apparently, taught in churches #GOPChristianFascism #MAGArepublicanExtremists
#gopchristianfascism #magarepublicanextremists
House Republicans Struggle to Reach Consensus on Budget, Delaying Debt Ceiling Negotiations
Their proposed cuts could reduce funding for programs like HUD’s rental assistance and homelessness assistance programs by an estimated $6.6 billion, putting the hundreds of thousands of people who rely on this assistance at risk of housing instability, eviction, and homelessness #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy #GOPgrifters #GOPcruelty #MAGArepublicanExtremists
#GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #gopgrifters #gopcruelty #magarepublicanextremists Felony offenses': House Oversight chairman Comer's remarks in 2015 email leak spark calls for investigation
No one should be above the law & information revealed yesterday in an article published in the NYT provides strong reason to believe that. Rep. Comer committed at least one & perhaps multiple, felony offenses during his failed attempt to secure the Republican nomination for governor in 2015 #InvestigateComer #GOPhypocrisy #MAGArepublicanExtremists
#investigatecomer #GOPHypocrisy #magarepublicanextremists Georgia House #MAGArepublicanExtremists approved a bill this week that would create a commission with the power to investigate, discipline, and even remove locally elected district attorneys for conducting investigations that are deemed “politically motivated.” The Georgia Senate passed a nearly identical bill last week #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#magarepublicanextremists #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
President Joe Biden issued the first veto of his presidency Monday Biden to kill a Republican-authored measure that would ban the government from considering environmental impacts or potential lawsuits when making investment decisions for people's retirement plans. In a White House video, Biden said he vetoed the measure because it “put at risk the retirement savings of individuals across the country.” #EnvironmentalLaws #BidenVeto #MAGArepublicanExtremists #Climate
#environmentallaws #bidenveto #magarepublicanextremists #climate
#MikePence's teeny spine that showed a little last week went away. His BS posturing is gone, along with any credibility. Weak, cowardly, chicken shit, MikePence is afraid of organized crime boss #TraitorTrump. Pence is on his knees giving OrangeMussolini BJ's again. He must be trying to make the lynch mob like him again? #TraitorToDemocracy #ArrestTrumpCrimeFamily. #MAGArepublicanExtremists #ChristianFascists
#mikepence #TraitorTrump #traitortodemocracy #arresttrumpcrimefamily #magarepublicanextremists #christianfascists It's going to get worse with the fascists led by #MAGArepublicanExtremists fanning the flames. Shooting into two convenience stores in an attempt to kill Black and Arab people, Larry Edward Foxworth, 48, fired numerous rounds from a Glock pistol through a window & door of a gas station convenience store in Jonesboro, Georgia in July of 2021. He used the same weapon to fire into another convenience store nearby just minutes later #MAGAdomesticTerrorist #neonazis
#magarepublicanextremists #magadomesticterrorist #neonazis a 15-page letter to the Florida Commission on Ethics, Make America Great Again Inc. accuses #DeSantis of operating a "shadow presidential campaign" & says the Republican governor should have to resign from office under a state law that prohibits people from holding elected office while seeking another "The MAGA movement was birthed to stop career politicians who use public service to amass personal wealth & power," MAGA Inc., said #MAGArepublicanExtremists #GOPcorruption
#desantis #magarepublicanextremists #gopcorruption #Ukraine Could the GOP Divide Over Ukraine Become a Lasting Split?
Russia’s invasion of its democratic neighbor must matter more than ‘woke’ culture wars. #CultureWars #MAGArepublicanExtremists
#ukraine #culturewars #magarepublicanextremists NAKED CRUELTY BY REPUBLICANS. Just when the combination of inflation and the end of covid bonuses is causing sharp increases in hunger, Republicans are trying to cause more struggling people and their children to go hungry! Republican inhumanity is impossible to comprehend. Contact your representatives, especially if they are Republicans. #GOPTRAITORS #MAGArepublicanExtremists #FoodInstability #SNAPfood
#goptraitors #magarepublicanextremists #foodinstability #snapfood Shasta County CA has become ground zero for election conspiracy theorists Town residents lose patience with 'stolen election' deluded board
Alex Wagner reports on California's Shasta County, which is so enthralled by Donald Trump's #BigLie & stolen election conspiracy theories that they're prepared to hand their election system over to a pillow salesman -unless fed-up citizens can get the county board to see reason. March 17, 2023
#biglie #magarepublicanextremists Nazis were more interested in how the U.S. had designated Native Americans, Filipinos and other groups as non-citizens even though they lived in the U.S. or its territories. These models influenced the citizenship portion of the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jewish Germans of their citizenship and classified them as “nationals.” #GOPfascism #GOPracism #MAGArepublicanExtremists #Nazis
#gopfascism #gopracism #magarepublicanextremists #nazis Funny we were just discussing this yesterday. How extremist republicans have become when #MoscowMitch is better than who we could have. Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, McConnell’s exodus—whenever that occurs —should be greeted with sadness and trepidation. You’ll never know how good you had it until it’s gone.
He’s really the last bulwark against the barbarians at the gate. #MAGArepublicanExtremists #GOPfascism
#moscowmitch #magarepublicanextremists #gopfascism
It’s “Democratic” numbnutz.
Democrat is a noun, not an adjective.
Why should anyone listen to anything you have to say if you’re so illiterate you can’t form a correct sentence?
Also — trump: dozens of scandals, investigations, impeachments, indictments and convictions.
Biden admin: ZERO.
#MAGA #magarepublicanextremists GOP Rep. Facing Censure Over Votes Supporting Gun Safety, Gay Marriage
Texas Rep. Tony Gonzales' district includes the Uvalde school targeted in a mass shooting last year. As Republicans move on immigration agenda, Latino Republicans push back. Cubans are fleeing their homes in the largest numbers in six decades to escape economic and political turmoil. Most fly to Nicaragua as tourists and slowly make their way to the U.S. via Mexico This would be a good time for Biden to speak to them, not be intimidated by #MAGArepublicanExtremists & not use #TraitorTrump #ImmigrationPolicies
#magarepublicanextremists #TraitorTrump #immigrationpolicies