RT @Color_LES@twitter.com
Merry Christmas! #MageandDemonQueen #webtoon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Color_LES/status/1606673018721566721
Webtoons (ongoing):
#DeathRescheduled by Snailords
#Atnomen by IlustrAriane
#Stagtown by Punko
& More
#LoreOlympus #purplehyacinth #omniscientreader #heartstoper #deathrescheduled #atnomen #stagtown #theguyupstairs #brimstoneandroses #castleswimmer #suitorarmor #thewitchandthebull #BladesofFurry #mageanddemonqueen #midnightpoppyland #bloodreverie #letsplay #menoftheharem #theremarriedempress #yourthrone #likewindonadrybranch #LoveAndLeashes #secretlady #seeyouinmy19thlife #thesirenbecomingthevillainsfamily #myunexpectedmarriage
@evel Haven't checked in on it for a while but enjoyed #MageAndDemonQueen quite a bit ^__^
RT @FudgeCakeDevil@twitter.com
kinda miss their old dynamic but story must progress
characters from @Color_LES@twitter.com 's
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FudgeCakeDevil/status/1542325514093834242
@3__54 I understand why webtoons exist (page layout doesn't work for mobile) but aside from #MageAndDemonQueen I haven't really gotten into many. I think you can do pretty cool stuff with both formats layout and timing wise.