It’s all about the name, “David” in this weeks YouTube Watch!
Head over to “Hebrew by Inbal” on YouTube to learn all about this biblically important name.
If you’re a David enjoy it or share it with the “Davids” in your life.
Comment below with any famous Davids!
#hebrewbyinbal #kingdavid #david #davidbowie #davidbeckham #starofdavid #davidandgoliath #cityofdavid #hebrewname #magendavid #Fediverse #mazeldon #mazeldon
#hebrewbyinbal #kingdavid #david #davidbowie #davidbeckham #starofdavid #davidandgoliath #cityofdavid #hebrewname #magendavid #fediverse #mazeldon
@jewterpretor as was mentioned by somebody else, I think, a Jew who doesn't daven daily is likely to be considered Secular in Israel by most of the population, even if they keep kosher. But a Jew in #France who doesn't keep kosher and only goes on High Holy days will still be non-Secular, even if they just wear a #MagenDavid
I bought myself a blue #MagenDavid pin to wear on my coat in the second half of December.
The idea is to forestall strangers from saying "#MerryChristmas" to me. It's not that I take it as a deadly insult, but I get tired of trying to think of a polite response.
Here are some that I've tried, with indifferent results:
o "Actually, I'm #Jewish."
o "And a jolly Diwali to you."
o "Thanks, and happy holidays."
All very tedious. Any other suggestions?
#magendavid #merrychristmas #jewish