RT @JohnHughes1984@twitter.activitypub.actor
Great talk by @shochdoerfer@twitter.activitypub.actor on multiple tools to manage the quality of your code 🎉👏
So many ideas / tools to add the CI pipeline! 👍
Also, CaptainHook (git hook library for PHP) is the best named tool ever 😂
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JohnHughes1984/status/1103603932151119872
RT @bitExpert@twitter.activitypub.actor
Hear our very own @shochdoerfer@twitter.activitypub.actor later today talking about all the things QA for a #Magento project... #MageTestFest #LearnAndGrow
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bitExpert/status/1103577333439623168
#learnandgrow #magetestfest #magento
RT @bitExpert@twitter.com
Proudly sponsoring @magetestfest@twitter.com. Who will we see in March in Florence? #MageTestFest http://ow.ly/KZXh30nfxzC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bitExpert/status/1083296158565498883