Nicht was ich heute Abend leite, aber was mein Kopf aktuell beschäftigt. Was steht bei euch heute Abend an Rollenspiel an? #pnpde #ChroniclesOfDarkness #MageTheAwakening
#pnpde #chroniclesofdarkness #magetheawakening
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce is definitely in my top ten list of favourite films. Saying that, I went in with no expectations, all of which were blown out of the water.
Also, would be an amazing plot for a #MageTheAwakening campaign.
#everythingeverywhereallatonce #magetheawakening
Tonight’s the night! Session zero of #MageTheAwakening! #ChroniclesOfDarkness
#magetheawakening #chroniclesofdarkness
My D&D game came to a close last night. Now with two new people joining our ranks, I’m getting ready to start up a #ChroniclesOfDarkness campaign! The magic system looks complicated, everyone is intimidated by it, and I’ve got a lot to take in before starting this up! #MageTheAwakening
#chroniclesofdarkness #magetheawakening
As my #DnD game enters its final few sessions, I’ve been hard at work preparing to run a #MageTheAwakening game. This will be my first time in the #ChroniclesOfDarkness, and there is a lot to take in!
#DnD #magetheawakening #chroniclesofdarkness
📱 Adam Simpson interviews Mage fan Paul Strack about his involvement with the early online fan community for World of Darkness, an example of tiered play and blending Mage: The Ascension with Mage: The Awakening rules. Listen #magetheawakening #umbra #magetheascension
#magetheawakening #umbra #magetheascension