Finally finished my magfest photos at Chipspace. Glad to be done with that. Normally when photographing, I don't have to pull multiple duties but it was a fun challenge, especially the few times I was doing both visuals and running down to get photos. I really need to save for a super zoom lens.
#chiptune #chipspace #magfest #MAGFest2023 #photography
#photography #magfest2023 #magfest #chipspace #chiptune
It wasn't ready in time for #MAGFest2023, but I've been working on a system in Gunhawk where the player gets to choose an upgrade after clearing a stage.
#nesdev #indiedev #homebrew #gamedev #indienes #indieretro #craftretro
#craftretro #indieretro #indienes #gamedev #homebrew #indiedev #nesdev #magfest2023
With #MAGFest2023 done, I finally had some time to sit down and concentrate of manufacturing.
Here is the new batch of 25 physical copies of Fire And Rescue.
#craftretro #nesindie #homebrew #indiedev #nesdev #magfest2023
Ending this week with this awesome pic from the Nintendo meetup! Looks almost like a pic from a film 🤯
Pic by sugoispec (IG)
#samus #metroid #metroiddread #cosplay #magfest #magfest2023
#samus #metroid #metroiddread #cosplay #magfest #magfest2023
Happy New Year! We started off 2023 by showing our #indiegame Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends at @MAGFest! Check out pictures of our (bedroom-themed) booth and our thoughts from the show here: #gamedev #indiedev #MAGFest2023
#magfest2023 #indiedev #gamedev #indiegame
and here are some more fursuit pics from magfest! featuring an encounter with a skeleton and also an encounter with... myself?
#magfest #magfest2023 #fursuit #fursuiter #fursuitfriday
first friday after magfest? you already know what i'm gonna post today :)
starting out with a set taken at magfest's own gazebo, a popular picture spot located in the upper level of the con center's atrium. strike a pose!
#magfest #magfest2023 #fursuit #fursuiter #fursuitfriday
From @MAGFest 2023: Check out our "RadioSEGA: Expanding Communities Through Content, Culture & Music Preservation" Panel #MAGFest #MAGFest2023
I think lucario would be a good character for a pokemon/animal crossing crossover, dont you?
Flick( @texelsaur )
#FursuitFriday #MAGFest2023 #AnimalCrossing #pokemon #Fursuit
#fursuitfriday #magfest2023 #animalcrossing #pokemon #fursuit
in a particularly lazy mood tonight but I've still got a bunch of magfest stuff to post, so here's a few pics that don't really fit anywhere else!
alternatively known as "the vibes collection"
A short 🧵 on my #Magfest2023 experience-
I should say up-front, magfest is always a little hard for me to enjoy. I'm usually too exhausted by the time it rolls around, since it comes at the end of a long, nonstop string of other social events and holidays starting back before thanksgiving. But this year ended up being pretty good for me!
Just more being silly around #magfest2023 😜
#Fursuit #Lucario #Pokemon
#magfest2023 #fursuit #lucario #pokemon
From @MAGFest 2023: Check out our "RadioSEGA: Expanding Communities Through Content, Culture & Music Preservation" Panel #MAGFest #MAGFest2023
From @MAGFest 2023: Check out our "RadioSEGA: Expanding Communities Through Content, Culture & Music Preservation" Panel #MAGFest #MAGFest2023
also, a quick shoutout to the belvedere lobby concerts i watched: Charles Ritz (not pictured*), Otter Chaos and FamilyJules! The perfect way to wind down and chill amongst everything else going on
no vids for these cuz the audio didn't pick up well enough on my phone :/
(*for this concert i sat on a couch in the bar itself which was very comfy but also my view of the band was completely blocked woops)
We'll be releasing the Gunhawk demo shown at #MAGFest2023 via our mailing list.
Sign up to the Skyboy Games mailing list on your website:
Gerne mal unter dem #MAGFest2023 durchscrollen – keines der Cosplays wird durch Masken ruiniert. Gibt einem ein klein wenig Hoffnung. In DE ist sowas bei Conventions natürlich undenkbar. 😒
Währenddessen kriegt die amerikanische Videogame-Soundtrack-Community es übrigens ganz selbstverständlich hin, dass man Masken trägt.
#MaskeAuf #CovidIsNotOver
Pikachu throwing down in the pit at the Metroid Metal set. Just #MagFest2023 things
#maskeauf #CovidIsNotOver #magfest2023
At #Magfest2023 I did a little experiment and I dropped around some Taskmaster tasks. Here's some tasks and the people who did them: