and to *finally* wrap up my magfest pictures for this year, I present a tale of two "vehicle" arcade games:
first I tried to fly a pedal-powered flying machine, to predictable results, but then I took part in a scooter race and actually *won*? surprise of the night!
#magfest #magfest23 #fursuit #fursuitfriday
It's friday once again, so time for more "fursuitin' at magfest" pics! this time from the arcade!
#magfest #magfest23 #fursuit #fursuitfriday
and here is my merch haul from the con!
-poster by Skatune Network
-grab bag of N64 games from ReGen
-cap from Fangamer/Magfest
-t-shirt by Snarkfish
-stickers from CryTime, portreii and Eyes On Fire Art (1st, 2nd and 3rd rows, respectively)
the marketplace (aka dealer's den) of magfest is always a great way to spend so much time and money. here are some cool items i spotted browsing the halls:
"corgzilla" shirt from Snarkfish
woodcut sign from Critical Hit Collectibles
wall o' prints from Blueandredwires
chainsaw kirb print from portreii
woops, forgot to share magfest pics yesterday cuz i was too busy making travel plans for my euro trip! just means i gotta post more today!
for starters, here are some cosplay pics! on saturday i was the polar bear from everyone's favorite melee stage, icicle mountain ;)
and if you want to play other arcade games, magfest's got that for you too! there's also a nice collection of pinball tables, both old and new :blobfoxhappy:
more magfest pics! this time, it's time for a trip to the arcade!
first, a showcase of the rhythm games there, including some of my faves- groove coaster, taiko and jubeat!
starting off my post-magfest recap with the four mainstage concerts i attended this year: Metroid Metal, The Oneups, Skatune Network, and Cybertronic Spree! They all rocked the house; vids of each in the replies below!
magfest ruled, as it always does. got plenty to share and talk about later, but for now here's me trying to play a rhythm game while in a fursuit!
(warning: kinda loud video)
#magfest #magfest23 #fursuit #fursuiter
Some good tooting happening over at MAGfest right now from The Game Brass 🎺
love this group cosplay i saw earlier today- a tourbus full of tourists, that actually went on a tour around the convention!
magfest starts tomorrow :blobfoxaww:
looking forward to it for so many reasons, from the concerts and panels I'm excited for and the awesome con merch that I pre-ordered, to my debut of a new cosplay and maybe even doing a spot of fursuiting one evening!
apologies in advance for how much I'll probably be posting about it in the next week or so, during and especially after the con :blobfoxgoogly: