Today's poem:
You Could Never Take A Car to Greenland
- by Maggie Smith
#poetry #maggiesmith #greenland #ice #arctic #name
Lees alles over: "Filmhuis Medemblik: The lady in the Van" op Medemblik Praat | Autobiografisch verhaal van Alan Bennett, waarin de Britse schrijver (Alex | #medemblik #lady #maggiesmith #ilmhuis #alexjennings #van
#van #alexjennings #ilmhuis #maggiesmith #lady #medemblik
Lily James as Lady Rose MacClare Meeting the King of England | Downton Abbey
#BritishTvShows #CoraCrawley #DowntonAbbeyFilm #DowntonAbbeyfullepisodes #DowntonAbbeyOfficialChannel #DowntonAbbeySeries #DowntonAbbeyTrailer #downtonabbeyvioletandisobelfriends #ElizabethMcGovern #HughBonneville #JulianFellowes #MaggieSmith #MaryCrawley #MatthewCrawley #MichelleDockery #theBestOfDowntonAbbey #リリー・ジェームズ
#BritishTvShows #coracrawley #downtonabbeyfilm #downtonabbeyfullepisodes #downtonabbeyofficialchannel #downtonabbeyseries #downtonabbeytrailer #downtonabbeyvioletandisobelfriends #elizabethmcgovern #hughbonneville #JulianFellowes #maggiesmith #marycrawley #matthewcrawley #michelledockery #thebestofdowntonabbey #リリー・ジェームズ
Thou camest on earth to make the earth my hell
A grievous burthen was thy birth to me
Tetchy and wayward was thy infancy
Thy school-days frightful, desperate, wild, and furious
Thy prime of manhood daring, bold, and venturous
Thy age confirm'd, proud, subtle, sly, and bloody
More mild, but yet more harmful, kind in hatred
What comfortable hour canst thou name
That ever graced me in thy company
— Richard III, A4/S4
@shakescenery #ShakespeareSunday #MaggieSmith #WomenInShakespeare
#shakespearesunday #maggiesmith #womeninshakespeare
#milionichescottano di #erictill Marcus Pendleton (un grande #peterustinov ) esce, dopo un paio d’anni, dalle regali prigioni di Sua Maestà. Ha scontato la sua pena per truffa aggravata, ad inchiodarlo è stato un famigerato computer, cosa che lui proprio non aveva …calcolato. Tornato in libertà, Marcus desidera “vendicarsi” dei programmatori elettronici – così si chiamavano allora – preparando una nuova truffa... #mastofilm #mastocinema #film #cinema #maggiesmith
#milionichescottano #erictill #PeterUstinov #mastofilm #mastocinema #film #cinema #maggiesmith
"I didn’t feel missed as a person, I felt missed as staff. My invisible labor was made painfully visible when I left the house.”
#MaggieSmith #Poetry #DivisionOfLabor #Marriage #Divorce
#divorce #marriage #divisionoflabor #poetry #maggiesmith
Maggie Smith's poem Good Bones knocked me out about 7 years ago. Didn't know her or the poem, just read it in a magazine and clipped it out for my corkboard.
Now her memoir is out in two weeks and The Cut has an excerpt, no paywall.
#poetry #memoir #maggiesmith #girlfriends
54 years ago:
Oh! What a Lovely War (UK)
Satire about the First World War based on a stage musical of the same name, portraying the "Game of War" and focusing mainly on the members of one family (last name Smith) who go off to war. Much of the action in the movie revolves around the words of the marching songs of the soldiers, and many sce...
#OhWhataLovelyWar #RichardAttenborough #LaurenceOlivier #VanessaRedgrave #MaggieSmith #Paramount
#ohwhatalovelywar #richardattenborough #laurenceolivier #vanessaredgrave #maggiesmith #paramount
THE MIRACLE CLUB: New Laura Linney Film Gets Picked Up By Sony Pictures Classics
#FilmBook #MovieNews #KathyBates #LauraLinney #MaggieSmith #MovieNews #SonyPicturesClassics #TheMiracleClub
#filmbook #movienews #kathybates #lauralinney #maggiesmith #sonypicturesclassics #themiracleclub
58 years ago:
Young Cassidy (UK)
In Dublin circa 1911, John Cassidy (Rod Taylor), an impoverished idealist, whose ambitions are restricted by the demands of looking after his family, journeys through the social injustices of Dublin life, involving himself with the rowdy tramway-men strike, dawdling with prostitute Daisy Battles (Ju...
#YoungCassidy #RodTaylor #JulieChristie #MaggieSmith #AnneVCoates #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#youngcassidy #rodtaylor #juliechristie #maggiesmith #annevcoates #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
54 years ago:
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (UK)
A headstrong young teacher in a private school in 1930s Edinburgh ignores the curriculum and influences her impressionable 12 year old charges with her over-romanticized world view.
#ThePrimeofMissJeanBrodie #RonaldNeame #MaggieSmith #RobertStephens #PamelaFranklin #20thCenturyFox #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theprimeofmissjeanbrodie #ronaldneame #maggiesmith #robertstephens #pamelafranklin #20thcenturyfox #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
"The world is at least 50% terrible
and that's a conservative estimate"
💜 💚 🧡 🌈 🧡💚💜
#ForTheBirds #BirdsongProject #NataslaLyonne #MaggieSmith
#ForTheBirds #BirdsongProject #nataslalyonne #maggiesmith
#DowntonAbbey #DowagerCountess #DowagerCountessOfGrantham #TheWeeknd #WeekendFun #WeekendVibes #Weekends #MaggieSmith #DameMaggieSmith
#What #weeknd #downtonabbey #dowagercountess #dowagercountessofgrantham #theweeknd #weekendfun #weekendvibes #weekends #maggiesmith #damemaggiesmith
This is still very much a valid question today!
#phones #downtonabbey #maggiesmith
Poem Beginning with a Retweet by Maggie Smith
#poetry #mastopoetry #maggiesmith #birdsite
Happy Birthday Ms Maggie Smith! [Sorry I'm a couple of days late] 🌷 🌿 💗
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #MaggieSmith #HarryPotter #animism #harmnone #vegan #nature #witchcraft #witch #forestwitch
#greenwitchtea #greenwitch #tea #organictea #maggiesmith #harrypotter #animism #harmnone #vegan #nature #witchcraft #witch #forestwitch
Dans la série « mes icônes », c’était aussi l’anniversaire de Dame #MaggieSmith #DowagerCountess
Eight great twenty-first-century poems from the United States alone. #111Words #Poetry #NatalieDiaz #MartínEspada #IlyaKaminsky #DanezSmith #MaggieSmith #TracyKSmith #AEStallings #CDaleYoung
#cdaleyoung #aestallings #tracyksmith #maggiesmith #danezsmith #IlyaKaminsky #martinespada #nataliediaz #poetry #111words
Of course because it’s my vacation I’ve ended up getting sick. Never fails! I’m in bed watching California Suite as my time off dwindles 😢 #movies #MaggieSmith #The70s #NeilSimon
#movies #maggiesmith #the70s #neilsimon