It's been months but I finally feel like doing some art again! I uh, started this in the fall too when it was more thematically appropriate.
#maggockart #autumn #shenandoah #griffin #gryphon
I'm really liking the hashtag function on this platform - I'm following a bunch of hashtags now! And I'm also using hashtags to make it easy to see my own art - you can follow the #maggockart hashtag to just see my art.
Also here is another gryphon! This is Coulias, who I don't believe is on Mastodon, but is 'CouliasGryphon' on the birdsite.
#lightning #griffin #gryphon #maggockart
I'm really liking the hashtag function on this platform - I'm following a bunch of hashtags now! And I'm also using hashtags to make it easy to see my own art - you can follow the #maggockart hashtag to just see my art.
Also here is another gryphon! This is Coulias, who I don't believe is on Mastodon, but is 'CouliasGryphon' on the birdsite.
#lightning #griffin #gryphon #maggockart
I am enjoying Mastodon so far! Here's one of my favorite pieces from the past year (and it also took a long time to paint because TWO griffons! All those feathers!)
Some people might recognize these griffons as Shard and Kjorn too, from The Summer King Chronicles by Jess Owen (I don't think she's on Mastodon yet, but 'authorjessowen' on the birdsite.
#maggockart #griffon #griffin #gryphon