Ahad / 2 Julai 2023 / 13 Zulhijjah 1444H
7:17mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi, Kulai & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:32mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Adventures as a new revert: on my way to the #Masjid for #Jumu’ah and a bird, likely a pigeon, pooped on clothing I really can’t remove.
WELL: I am taking #Maliki #Fiqh classes online for very short money at the excellent Safina Society of New Brunswick, NJ. I flailed in their WhatsApp group for a minute re: the predicament, then thought to check my class notes on the Ashmawiyyah, the basic beginner fiqh text in the #Maghrib for this #Madhab.
Sure enough, there’s a clear answer. If what pooped on you is #Halal to eat, its poop does NOT break physical impurity and if all other preconditions are met, you can go ahead with #Salat. Since I would happily make the culprit into squab if I could, I’m all set for jumu’ah.
Ofc I cleaned up in a café bathroom anyway because, ew.
#Masjid #jumu #maliki #fiqh #maghrib #madhab #halal #salat #islam
The remembrances of Muslim al-Andalus in #Spain are many. But often you don't get the feeling that what's being represented is of much value personally to the people of the present who make those remembrances happen... simply because they aren't Muslim.
This statue of Jairán al-Amiri, the first ruler of the #Taifa (independent kingdom) of al-Mariyya (#Almería) from 1014 to 1028 CE, is a lovely exception. To me the expression on the face reflects love of and trust in Allah SWT. I don't normally respond much to Statues Of Notables, but this one nearly brought me to tears.
Unfortunately the sculptor is not identified on the plaque at the statue's feet.
#spain #taifa #almeria #Andalucia #islam #maghrib
Buried in the #Rauda of #Granada are several #Moroccans who served under #Franco in the #Spanish Civil War. Unsurprisingly, after they served him faithfully, Franco cut them loose to languish after a few years in power.
Lest anyone be horrified by the lack of Working Class Solidarity, there is a centuries-long history of Christians and Muslims collaborating in unexpected ways in wars in this part of the world, depending on who was in power (and who was about not to be).
I believe these gravesites, which are unmarked in the traditional Moroccan manner, are where these men were laid to rest. I hope to confirm this someday Insha Allah.
See alt text for more info on why these sites look so short!
Also check out this podcast on the Moroccans who served under Franco.
#Maghrib #Andalucia #Spain #Burial #BurialPractices
#rauda #Granada #moroccans #franco #spanish #maghrib #Andalucia #spain #burial #burialpractices
I'm listening to the splendid #Audiobook recording of Robert Irwin's enchanting "Ibn Khaldun: An Intellectual Biography."
Ibn Khaldun was a scholar, a politician, a diplomat, and a public intellectual of what we in the West call the medieval era. He wrote a theory of history called the Muqaddimah, which is grounded in #Islamic belief and informed by his experiences and observations in the #Maghrib, both North Africa and #Andalucia.
If you're into #History, #Epistemology (how we think we know what we know), #Historiography, the MENA region past and present (especially the #Maghrib), do have a listen. This is NOT a dry academic tome AT ALL.
You can find the audiobook on #Scribd or via Princeton University Press.
#Audiobook #islamic #maghrib #Andalucia #history #epistemology #historiography #Scribd
@emilydingwrites people do normally keep a respectful silence during the initial breaking of the fast just before #Maghrib prayer. The post prayer meal is another story!
I love hearing about different #Ramadan #Iftar food traditions. Here in #Granada, the mosques serve #Harira and other Moroccan specialties, like flatbread of various types.
In #Morocco itself there are free soup lines on the street around the time of #Maghrib, or sunset prayer.
#ramadan #iftar #Granada #harira #morocco #maghrib #soup
3 Kemuliaan yang akan diberikan kepada orang yang berhijrah
Dialog duo ahbab 😁 :
Kang Yuri dan Kang Sunu , persembahan Ancak Channel, Yok tatap gambarnya ...eh.. simak obrolannya !!
Klik di sini :
#Ngopi #NgobrolBarengKangYuri #KangYuri #UeMYe #UstadzMuhammadYuri #BukbukhariMraz #MrazOfficial #AncakChannel #SunuMatta #KangSunu #MattaBand #NgobrolPerkaraIman #Yokri #Ceramah #Dakwah #Tabligh #Ramadhan #Sahur #Maghrib #Ngabuburit #JamaahTabligh
#Indonesia @indonesia
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Cara memakainya imamah oleh Ustadz Ebit Lew
#Indonesia @indonesia
#Mutualan @mutualan
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Polisi dan tentara ikut ambil bagian dalam kerja dakwah dan tabligh.
Mereka makan bersama dalam satu nampan. Satu nampan 4 orang. Indahnya kebersamaan.
Btw , dah pada makan belum ?
#JamaahTabligh #JemaahTabligh #Jaulah #Khuruj #DakwahwaTabligh #DakwahTabligh #TablighJamat #TablighiJamaat #TablighiJamat #TablighJamaat #Dakwah #Islam #Hijrah #Hidayah #Yokri #Targhib #JamaahGerak #JT #Ahbab #Karkun #KhurujfiSabilillaah #Ramadhan #Sahur #Maghrib #Puasa
#Indonesia @indonesia
#Mutualan @mutualan
#mutualan #indonesia #puasa #maghrib #sahur #ramadhan #khurujfisabilillaah #karkun #ahbab #JT #jamaahgerak #targhib #yokri #hidayah #hijrah #islam #dakwah #TablighJamaat #TablighiJamat #TablighiJamaat #tablighjamat #dakwahtabligh #dakwahwatabligh #khuruj #jaulah #jemaahtabligh #jamaahtabligh
That’s the Grand #Mosque of #Tangiers in the #Casbah, first built by the #Marinids in medieval times and lovingly restored by Moulay Slimane in the 19th century CE. I went there last night for #Iftar and #Maghrib.
It is so calming to be in a community where times of day are marked by the #Adan, or call to prayer.
#mosque #tangiers #casbah #marinids #iftar #maghrib #adan #islam #morocco
Jumaat / 24 Februari 2023 / 3 Syaaban 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:31mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Selasa / 21 Februari 2023 / 30 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:32mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Khamis / 16 Februari 2023 / 25 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Rabu / 15 Februari 2023 / 24 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Isnin / 13 Februari 2023 / 22 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Ahad / 12 Februari 2023 / 21 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Sabtu / 11 Februari 2023 / 20 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib
Jumaat / 10 Februari 2023 / 19 Rejab 1444H
7:22mlm - Masuk waktu solat fardhu Maghrib bagi Johor Bahru, Mersing, Kota Tinggi & kwsn yg sama waktu.
Seterusnya - Isyak 8:33mlm.
#WaktuSolat #Maghrib