*Then there's the Black Lotus VIP Tournament. A DMR Remastered sealed doesn't have the excitement of Unfinity with Mark Rosewater. Maybe there will be surprises, and maybe when we know more about DMR it will be more exciting, but people had to decide today whether they would pay the $700.
*Lastly, they've said that this will be a larger venue. Attendance caps might be higher, so they might just be offering more of each badge than they did for #Magic30.
Ostatnio sporo si臋 dzieje w temacie #Magic30, kt贸re ma si臋 pojawi膰 lada moment i powiem tak... Wizards of the Coast aktualnie idzie grubo.
Tutaj jak zwykle w temacie ca艂ego zamieszania wok贸艂 #MagicTheGathering niezast膮piony jest Rudy z kana艂u AlphaInvestments. Jego film znajdziecie na dole, ale w skr贸cie:
- Hasbro i Wizards of the Coast aktualnie s膮 w tak du偶ych tarapatach, 偶e o coverage i promocj臋 temat贸w zwi膮zanych z pakietami na trzydziestolecie MTG kontaktuj膮 si臋... z lud藕mi b臋d膮cymi poza tym community. Jednym z przyk艂ad贸w mo偶e by膰 YouTuber Ruxin34, kt贸ry kompletnie nie艣wiadomy zamieszania (zajmuje si臋 na co dzie艅 kartami Yugioh) wszed艂 w deal sponsorski/promocyjny z WOTC przez co mocno oberwa艂 od swojej spo艂eczno艣ci. Ostatecznie przyzna艂, 偶e nie zrobi艂 wystarczaj膮cego researchu, filmy ukry艂, wszystkie linki usun膮艂 i przeprosi艂 wszystkich za zamieszanie.
- Z drugiej strony aktualnie du偶ym problemem s膮 r贸wnie偶 ceny box贸w. Okazuje si臋 bowiem, 偶e na Amazonie mo偶na kupi膰 draft boxy ni偶szej ni偶 ta proponowana nawet najwi臋kszym dystrybutorom MTG w USA. I nie m贸wimy tutaj o setach starych, a o setach z tego roku... co r贸wnie偶 sprawia, 偶e warto艣膰 produktu r贸wnie偶 leci na twarz.
Koniec ko艅c贸w na ten moment wygl膮da to tak, jakby na trzydziestolecie 艣wietnej karcianki jak膮 jest Magic The Gathering WOTC i Hasbro wpad艂o na pomys艂 zaorania swojej marki. Je艣li nie w tabelkach w Excelu, to na bank w oczach fan贸w.
#magic30 #magicthegathering #giereczkowo #games #gry
recently seeing myself in some #Magic30 videos only confirms that I made the right choice to go behind the camera many years ago.
Despite the many things that went wrong at #Magic30, I had a great time. I was judging all weekend though, and would love time to enjoy the show as an attendee. I haven't decided whether I'm going to #MagicConPhilly, but if I do it will be a tough call whether to attend as staff or player.
I record all my paper #magicthegathering matches, so I can say that at #Magic30 I only got to play 60% as much Magic as at other similar events. This was entirely due to lack of on-demand events and lack of match making for casual events (e.g. Turbo Town).
One cool thing at #Magic30 was I traded most of my trade binder to #StarCityGames and got a Candelabra of Tawnos. New #canlander deck to build ... #MagicTheGathering
#magic30 #starcitygames #canlander #magicthegathering
Day 2 of #Magic30 was fun. Had a really good Unfinity match, made all the robots, two of them by successfully telling jokes.
4-4 in Modern yesterday, but I feel good about it. Today: Mystery Boosters and Unfinity with Mark Rosewater. #Magic30
It was always my plan to lose the first round. Just heightens the drama. 馃槄 #Magic30
Ready to play some modern with these new sleeves my daughter drew. #Magic30
Almost packed for #magic30... It's fair to call a Rankle commander deck "group hug", right?