A better #introduction post?
If you do not know me already I am Sinclair-Speccy, your resident computer nerd who lives upside down.
My interests are #RetroComputing, #Vaporwave, #MagicalGirls, #MagicalRenegades and.
I have a website located at https://
Mainframe/index.html for my technology ramblings.
As for here, sometimes I do emulation, sometimes I post tech ads, or boost retro tech stuff!
#retrocomputer #vintagecomputer #retro #vintagecomputing #oldtech
#oldtech #vintagecomputing #retro #vintagecomputer #retrocomputer #magicalrenegades #magicalgirls #vaporwave #retrocomputing #introduction
A new #introduction post!
If you do not know me already I am Sinclair-Speccy, your resident computer nerd who lives upside down.
My interests are #RetroComputing, #OldWeb, #Music, #Vaporwave, #MagicalGirls, #MagicalRenegades and #worldbuilding
I have a website located at https://sinclair-speccy.github.io/The-Mainframe/index.html for my technology ramblings and also made a guide on how to use Smallsco's Mastodon for 68k macs, Macstodon.
#retrocomputer#vintagecomputer #commodore #vintagecomputing #oldtech
#oldtech #vintagecomputing #commodore #retrocomputer #worldbuilding #magicalrenegades #magicalgirls #vaporwave #music #oldweb #retrocomputing #introduction