Si Fuller · @si_fuller
73 followers · 452 posts · Server

Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 19:

Rust Monster Bow
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Uncommon

This is a bow with a bad reputation among armoured warriors. It is a rust red bow with feathery decors resembling a rust monster's antennae. It has five charges. If the charged arrow hits metal, that metal reacts like a successful strike from a rust monster. As with a strike from a rust monster, the damage to the metal is permanent, cumulative, and ugly. Any metal on the arrow, such as an arrowhead, is destroyed.

The bow regains one charge every day at dawn.

A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:

The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.

#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchalleng

Last updated 2 years ago