I admit defeat. I can't think of any new items for the #MagicBowChallenge. Still, 20-odd items proves that bows can do cool magic too.
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 21:
Quiver of the Trick Shooter
Wondrous item
Item Rarity: Legendary
Requires attunement
A beautiful leather quiver adorned with garnets in gold settings. It holds 20 golden arrows with black flights. When attuned, the quiver grants +2 Charisma (to a maximum of 20). The wielder will be granted an innate knowledge of how to craft new golden arrows, each requiring 100gp worth of materials.
When drawing an arrow, the wielder can give a mental command that gives the chosen arrow has one of the following special abilities on impact:
Wall of Fire (as per the spell)
Ram (Target takes 2d10 force damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you)
Tangle (no damage, but Strength save or the target becomes restrained)
Bouncing (instead of piercing, the arrow does bludgeoning damage, and can hit a second target within 15 feet, hitting up to 10 different targets)
Sonic shriek (everyone in a 20 foot radius takes 1d10 thunder damage, half on a Con save)
Stinking cloud (as per the spell)
Fog cloud (as per the spell)
Magnetic (Strength save to prevent metal within 5 feet of the arrow to be drawn to it for 5 rounds)
Shrinking (as per the Enlarge/Reduce spell, but only Reduce)
Lotus blossom (all within 20 feet roll a Wisdom save or lose all aggression, as per the Antipathy/Sympathy spell)
All saves against the arrows are at DC 17. Arrows do normal damage on top of their special ability unless otherwise stated.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 18
Bow of Growth
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Legendary
This bow is painted a bold red, with golden cord wrapped tightly around it at certain points. A gold ribbon hangs loose from the handgrip, upon it is a bold black word in Celestial, "grow".
The bow has one charge. When activated, an arrow (it must be an ordinary wooden arrow with nothing attached or coating it) flies high, then before hitting anything, it instantly grows in size until it is thirty feet long and a foot thick. Living creatures are shoved aside unless there is no space for them to move to, in which case they risk being crushed. Solid objects take 100 hit points of damage if hit while the arrow is growing. If the object has more than 100 hit points, the arrow shatters instead, gaining as much mass as possible in the space available, up to the normal enlarged size.
Once enlarged, the arrow will stay at that size permanently. Its flight ceases immediately, though it may fall or roll as physics dictate.
The bow regains its charge only on the night of a full moon.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 17:
Barrier Arrow
ammunition (martial, bow)
Damage: As per bow
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
Usually found in bundles of 1d4+2, these bright red, faintly glowing arrows can be found in varieties for any bow or crossbow. Upon loading, the arrow will begin to glow brightly. When it strikes a target, waves of red force whip from it, filling a 5 foot space. Anyone trying to enter this space takes 1d10 force damage and must make a DC 16 Strength check or be pushed back 5 feet. This will last one minute. If the arrow is in a living creature, that creature will be unaffected but completely surrounded by the field.
If a second arrow is fired within a minute, and stays within 30 feet of the first, the waves of force connect, creating a ribbon-like field between them, 15 feet high and 5 feet wide, with the same effect on anyone trying to enter the space as above. A third arrow will connect its field with the nearest arrow, as will each consecutive arrow, allowing for the creation of a very long wall of force. A Strength 20 check is needed to move any one arrow, but removing it will break that link in the field (possiblycreatingtwo smaller fields). The field will last an hour.
Once used, the arrows become non magical, but can still be used as ordinary arrows.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 16:
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d6 Piercing
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Uncommon
A hand crossbow made of polished black and silver metal, crafted to sit comfortably in any hand. Its only effect is that it can harm any creature, no matter what natural or supernatural protection that creature might have. Resistance becomes normal damage, and Immunity becomes Resistance. Intangible creatures can be hit. Further, if the wielder rolls a Critical Hit, the target takes the entire resulting damage even if normally immune to Critical Hits.
The enchantment only applies to the Piercing damage of the crossbow bolts. Poison or enchantments placed on the bolt are subject to the normal immunities and resistances of the target.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 15:
Sting of the Small
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d6 Piercing (+ special)
Damage Type: Piercing
Bonus: +2 Dexterity
Item Rarity: Rare
A shortbow made of highly polished horn inlaid with fine silver wire, small even for a shortbow. As well as increasing the dexterity of the wielder, for every size level of the target above that of the wielder, the bow does an extra 1d6 damage.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 14:
Fool's Crossbow
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d10 +2 Piercing
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
This +2 crossbow is painted a chaotic mix of bright reds and yellows, with small bells hanging from it. Stealth rolls are taken at disadvantage while carrying the bow.
Upon hitting a sentient target, roll D6. If the result is an even number, the target loses 2 Wisdom. If it is an odd number, the wielder loses 2 Wisdom.
After the first use, the wielder must make a Wisdom 14 saving throw to attempt to discard it, or two use a different ranged weapon.
Lost Wisdom is returned after a long rest, but only if the crossbow is not currently in that person's possession.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
After roughly 50 arrows are fired, a Wisdom DC 18 save is required to use another weapon or to willingly be more than 5 feet from the bow at any time.
After roughly 100 arrows are fired, the wielder has an ongoing compulsion to decorated he bow in ostentatious and expensive ways. Precious stones, ornate feathers, fancy arrows, anything decorative, regardless of practicality or good taste.
After roughly 200 arrows are fired, the wielder will start to find excuses to use the bow, even outside of combat. They will point directions with a nocked arrow, close doors by shooting them, pick fruit with arrows, and so-on. Even when not using the bow, the wielder will want to hold it.
By the time 500 arrows are used, the wielder will be so obsessed with embellishing their bow that they will spend all of their resources on it, and do anything they can to gain more decorations. The bow itself will become so overladen that it always fires at disadvantage. At this point the wielder's Charisma becomes -2, as their obsession with the bow ruins any charm they might possess. By this time, the wielder is likely to be killed or waste away before long.
A Google doc with all previous Magic Bow Challenge entries can be found at:
The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond.
#dnd #ttrpg #MagicItems #MagicBowChallenge
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 13:
Bow of Splendour
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 +3 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Legendary
A longbow made entirely of gold filigree, layered and interwoven in a way that causes it to shimmer with a thousand tiny points of reflected light.
Upon attuning, the bow gives +3 to hit and damage, and +2 to the wielder's Charisma. But an insidious curse also takes effect.
Once attuned, the wielder will be blind to the curse and all negative effects. The wielder will not submit to a Remove Curse spell or allow anything to damage the bow itself. The attunement can not be removed while the curse is active.
Immediately, the wielder will begin to covet the bow, preferring to use it over any other weapon. The more the bow is used, the stronger the curse becomes.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
For @lawnikky and anyone else interested, this Google Doc will hopefully allow you to view all of the bows (and accessories) that I've created so far. The bows can also be found in the Homebrew section of D&D Beyond, but the system won't allow the creation of arrows.
Let me know if the link doesn't work.
#dnd #ttrpg #MagicItems #MagicBowChallenge
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 12:
Bow of the Hive
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
A sleek bow with a glossy yellow and black pattern. It has six charges, which are regained at dawn. Upon activation of a charge, the next arrow fired flies with an angry buzzing sound. Instead of doing damage, upon hitting a target the arrow transforms into a swarm of wasps. See Swarm of Insects (Wasps), Player's Handbook, pg. 391. The swarm will immediately attack the nearest target, continuing until they are killed or there are no living targets within 30 feet. Upon death or lack of targets, the wasps transform back into broken shards of arrow.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 11:
Bow of Certainty
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
Rough-carved and lacking any finesse, this chunky bow looks like a novice's homemade weapon. Nothing, from its uneven surface to its poorly twisted string suggests that it is magical, or even very useful as a weapon.
The bow has two charges. A charge is expended by the wielder upon loosing an arrow. No matter where that arrow lands, the next three arrows fired from the bow within the next minute will hit the same exact spot, splitting the previous arrow. This is irrespective of the target or the archer moving, even behind total cover. So long as the target remains on the same plane of existence, and the arrow can travel the distance before the one minute time limit passes (an arrow can travel about 3 ½ miles in a minute), it will hit the same exact spot.
Once the first arrow is loosed, the wielder has no choice on where the next three arrows will go. If the first arrow wildly misses the target, all the wielder can do is wait until the minute has expired, or find another weapon.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 10:
Sloth Bow
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
A thick, heavy bow, lacking any ornamentation. The bow has three charges, which are regained at dawn. By expending a charge, the wielder can enchant an arrow. Upon hitting, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC14, or be affected as by the Slow spell. This affects only the living creature struck by the arrow, there is no area effect. If the arrow doesn't hit a living creature, the charge is still used but the spell has no effect.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 9:
Arrow of the Siren
ammunition (martial, bow)
Damage: As per bow
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Rare
This arrow flashes with rainbow iridescence. It is hollow, and works as a flute, producing a tinny, shrill sound if played. When fired, it produces beautiful music, sounding like a contralto voice with flute accompaniment. When it strikes, it sounds a final, sustained note. Anyone within 60 feet who is able to hear the music must make a DC 14 Wisdom save. On failure, they will spend their next turn moving at maximum speed directly toward the arrow, ignoring dangers. Upon reaching the arrow, they will stop and stare, enraptured, for the rest of their turn.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 8:
Spring Hare
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing (plus Dex bonus)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Uncommon
A thin longbow, embellished with a zigzag pattern. It has three charges, regained at dawn. Expending a charge allows the wielder to cause an arrow to ricochet off of any firm surface, and fly in a different direction of the wielder's choosing, without losing any power, range, or accuracy. The wielder can expend multiple charges to cause multiple ricochets. The bow is handy for getting around barriers and cover, or for disguising the direction of an attack.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 7:
Quiver of collection
Wondrous item
Item Rarity: Uncommon
To look at, this quiver looks ordinary, designed for function rather than style. It holds up to 40 arrows. Any time an arrow is drawn from it and fired from a bow, roll d10. Any result but a 1 causes the arrow to reappear in the quiver as soon as it has finished its flight (if arrow and quiver are still on the same plane), in a manner similar to the Misty Step spell but with no maximum range. Only the arrow returns, not anything attached to it. Broken arrows do not return. Arrows otherwise act normally, doing their normal damage.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 6:
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d10 Piercing
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Very rare
A large metal crossbow, shaped to superficially resemble a set of scales. In the Loading phase, the wielder chooses to sacrifice any amount of their own hit points, up to 50, which is lost when the bolt is fired. If the bolt hits a target, it does ordinary piercing damage, but then causes extra necrotic damage equal to the number of hit points sacrificed by the wielder. The full damage is taken, ignoring Resistance and Immunity, but is also not increased by Weakness. If the bolt misses, the wielder still loses their hit points.
If either the wielder or the target is healed or regenerates, the other also heals the same amount, until the full amount of damage is regained. Actual death breaks this condition.
There is no limit to the number of times the wielder can sacrifice hit points, but they cannot sacrifice more than they currently have.
Proficiency with a heavy crossbow allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 5:
Verdant Arrow
ammunition (martial, bow)
Damage: As per bow, 2d20+10 piercing per round (ignores immunities in corporeal targets)
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Legendary
An innocent looking arrow of brown wood, with green, leaf-like flights and a blunt tip made of an acorn. Despite its blunt tip, the arrow pierces as normal.
Upon impact upon a solid target, the acorn rapidly starts growing, becoming an adult tree in ten turns. Each turn, the tree heals up to 40 hit points, and gains 20 maximum hit points. The massive expansion of the tree, along with its burrowing roots, does immense damage to whatever it is growing on or in. Rock is shoved aside and flesh is torn apart. Whatever the arrow strikes, people have a single turn to pull the arrow out before the roots become too established to be moved. When it strikes a living target, the tree’s wounds will continue to cause the same damage each round even if the tree itself is killed or removed. Wounds cannot be healed while the tree is inside a creature. Greater Restoration and spells with similar effects will cause the tree to revert to an ordinary acorn, if it is still magically growing.
Once it is fully grown, the tree becomes an ordinary adult oak tree, living or dying depending on its environment.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 4:
Unerring Bow
Requires attunement
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8+2 Piercing
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Legendary
The sleek surface of this bow is patterned with a repeating iris motif, framed with graceful intertwining lines. When attuned, the wielder gains Darkvision to 150 feet, and has advantage on Perception rolls that rely on vision. They have the Sharpshooter feat and while attacking with this bow. Finally, the bow has three charges. If a shot with this bow misses, the wielder can expend a charge to choose to hit instead. The bow regains its charges after the wielder has a long rest.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge
Weekly D&D magic bow challenge
Week 3:
Peregrine bow
Ranged weapon (martial, bow)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing
Damage Type: Piercing
Item Rarity: Uncommon
A sleek wooden bow, patterned to resemble the colour pattern of a peregrine falcon's feathers. It has three charges. Expending a charge allows the user to fire three arrows from it in a single attack. Each arrow requires its own attack roll, and the attack is not limited to a single target. The bow regains its charges at dawn each day.
#dnd #ttrpg #magicitems #magicbowchallenge