Favourite fandom(s): Currently gravitating toward #TheUntamed and #StrangerThings
Favourite themes and tropes: #FoundFamily #TimeTravel #FixIt #HurtComfort #Vampires #Werewolves #MagicHasAPrice
Shipping, gen, and/or other?: All welcome - rn usually reading #Wangxian & #Steddie
Do you create fanworks?: Fic in the past, hope to again once life is 2% calmer
Are you comfortable with NSFW?: Yes. I do prefer a cut tag if it’s socmed images.
Anything else?: Not right now :)
#theuntamed #strangerthings #foundfamily #timetravel #fixit #hurtcomfort #vampires #werewolves #magichasaprice #wangxian #steddie #fandomfriendingmeme