Interesting move from #Apple if true. I quite like the existing #MagicKeyboard design, but it’s too heavy and not very stable on your lap. A more traditional laptop-style form factor which hinges at the bottom of the screen might also persuade more people to leave their #MacBook at home (though I doubt it). #iPadPro
#Apple #magickeyboard #macbook #ipadpro
I'm pleased to see Apple taking steps to modernize their device production with 3D printing technology. #innovation #technology #3DPrinting #Apple #LightningToUSBC These changes, along with the upcoming Magic Keyboard for the iPad Pro, will help the company stay ahead of the curve. #iPadPro #MagicKeyboard #StayAhead #AppleEvent
#innovation #technology #3dprinting #apple #lightningtousbc #ipadpro #magickeyboard #stayahead #appleevent
Found a fix for the annoying keyboard control bar (the one with the keyboard and microphone button) on #iPadOS!
If you're using a physical keyboard and it's in your way, go to Settings > General > Keyboards. Turn off both 'Shortcuts' and 'Predictive.' Voila, it's gone! No more blocked input fields or send buttons.
#iPadOS #apple #techtips #ipad #magickeyboard
Ars Technica: Apple plans biggest iPad Pro update since 2018 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #magickeyboard #MarkGurman #Bloomberg #ipadpro #tablet #Apple #apple #Tech #ipad #oled
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #magickeyboard #markgurman #bloomberg #ipadpro #tablet #apple #ipad #OLED
Apple plans biggest iPad Pro update since 2018 - Enlarge / The 2022 iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard. (credit: Kevin Purdy) ... - #magickeyboard #markgurman #bloomberg #ipadpro #tablet #apple #tech #ipad #oled
#oled #ipad #tech #apple #tablet #ipadpro #bloomberg #markgurman #magickeyboard
Apple plant radikale iPad Pro-Neuerung, um den Tablet-Markt zu beleben
Apples Tablet-Geschäft, speziell das iPad Pro, erlebt seit einiger Zeit einen Umsatzrückgang. In der jüngsten Vergangenheit sah es so aus, als könnte das iPad den Mac eventuell sogar ersetzen.
#iPad #News #Apple #IPadPro #Lenovo #M3Chip #MagicKeyboard #Neuerung #OLEDDisplays #Samsung #TabletMarkt #Umsatzrckgang
#iPad #News #Apple #ipadpro #Lenovo #m3chip #magickeyboard #neuerung #oleddisplays #samsung #tabletmarkt #umsatzrckgang
It's about time Apple took a major step forward with their iPad Pro lineup. #TabletRevolution #TechInnovation #AppleLeadership #M3Chip #OLEDDisplay #MagicKeyboard #NewIPadPro
#tabletrevolution #techinnovation #appleleadership #m3chip #oleddisplay #magickeyboard #newipadpro
The iPad Pro revolution is coming! I'm ecstatic to tell you that 2024 will be the year of the iPad Pro with its brand new M3 chip, OLED displays, and a Magic Keyboard that's been completely revamped. #iPadProRevolution #AppleRevolution #M3Chip #OLEDDisplays #MagicKeyboard
#ipadprorevolution #applerevolution #m3chip #oleddisplays #magickeyboard
People are complaining that they can’t CMD-Q apps on iPad. But you can CMD-W them instead.
#apple #ipad #magickeyboard #macos
Is the new #Apple #Journal app #iOS/#iPhone only? I can only find references in iOS but it seems more like something I’d use in the #Mac or even my #iPad with the #MagicKeyboard (and I’m sure it will come if it’s not there on day one…pun intended).
#apple #journal #ios #mac #ipad #magickeyboard
You know, as much as I love the idea of having a three-day weekend with #MemorialDayWeekend and all. However, I am thrilled to be using my new #MagicKeyboard at work starting Tuesday next week.
If anything, once Tuesday comes, it will not be as bad as it could be.
#memorialdayweekend #magickeyboard
My old wired #Apple keyboard recently had something snap under the Enter key, making it not function correctly. So OBVIOUSLY I went over to Best Buy this evening and got a new #MagicKeyboard to solve that problem!
Not bad for a #MagicKeyboard on the #iPad!
#magickeyboard #ipad #typing #wordsperminute #wpm
As much of a #fan of #Apple and the #ecosystem, I’m not a fan of the #MacBook aesthetics. Not sure if it’s the screen size, or the large keyboard. I wish they still made those smaller circa-2010 MacBooks.
(And getting an #ipad + #magickeyboard doesn’t sound appealing as a compromise, when I already have an iPad mini 6).
#tech #technology #laptop #notebook #netbook #hardware #os #macOS #iphone #iOS
#fan #apple #ecosystem #macbook #ipad #magickeyboard #tech #technology #laptop #notebook #netbook #hardware #os #macos #iphone #ios
Nun ist alles beisammen. #iPadProMania. 🤗 #Apple #iPadPro #ApplePencil #MagicKeyboard
#magickeyboard #applepencil #ipadpro #apple #ipadpromania
I think we can all agree that X is the coolest letter
#macro #shotoniphone #magickeyboard
I have a brand spanking new #Apple #iPad which I would love to start using heavily, but the #MagicKeyboard seems unwieldy for long stretches of #coding. Maybe I just don't have the right #software. I am trying to use "Not Emacs", but it's frustrating not having an <Escape> key. Any advice? Thanks!
#apple #ipad #magickeyboard #coding #software #tech #programmer #programming #emacs #technology
New toy! ❤️
Anyone here using an Apple Magic Keyboard (without Touch ID)? Got myself a Mac Mini M2 in Friday. Battery was at 95 %. On Sunday night it's down to 29 % without having used it to extensively but kept the Mac Mini in sleep for several hours. Is that a bug or normal? #Apple #macmini #macintosh #magickeyboard
#apple #macmini #macintosh #magickeyboard
Ce chat est magique ! À quel moment c'est "confortable" pour elle ? Pourquoi elle garde les yeux ouverts ?! Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe dans sa tête...?
"Quand tu dois bosser mais que tu as la flemme"