I’ve established this afternoon that I can’t think about coding and read config documents when I have a very enthusiastic ten year old with ants in his pants ‘sat’ next to me!
The #RaspberryPi #MagicMirror project requires a lot of documentation reading and he’s bored.
Also this evening I’ve stewed some apples and got my #RaspberryPi going with #MagicMirror - all ready for eldest and I to try and configure to what we want. Figure we’ll end up writing or modifying a module over time
J’adore l’open source:
- Je participe à un report de bug, fait une suggestion…
- Réponse en 15min du lead dev qui m’explique que « inutile, regarde tu as cette fonction qui répond à ton besoin ».
- Effectivement, ça marche impeccable 🥰
Bref mon #MagicMirror marche bien 👌🏻
After several days of working on my #MagicMirror, which is now working as intended, I went back to day 48 of #100DaysOfCode #WebDev. Today was an introduction to #ExpressJS, and the course is running pretty fast now. I really like it, especially because it allows me to play around more and do more useful things with #JavaScript. But on the other hand, I feel I need to repeat a few course sections.
#magicmirror #100daysofcode #webdev #expressjs #javascript
I've spent the weekend setting up a "MagicMirror" display on my desk using a 1080p monitor I was not using. Set it up in Portrait mode.
I have MMM-GooglePhotos and MMM-CalendarExt3.
Custom CSS to and layout of the modules.
I even found an RSS feed that strips SPORT out of the BBC News feed.
This is running on a Raspberry Pi 4 8Gb.
Also running on the Same Raspberry Pi is an MQTT server.
#MagicMirror #RaspberryPi #Display #SmartDisplay #Calendar #Weather #DigitalPhotos
#magicmirror #raspberrypi #display #smartdisplay #calendar #weather #digitalphotos
Il y a 10 ans, #HyphenHyphen @HYPHENHYPHEN à #MagicMirror #LaDefense @festivalchorus https://www.photosconcerts.com/hyphen-hyphen-la-defense-magic-mirror-2013-04-11-festival-chorus-6816 #PhotosConcerts #RobertGil
#hyphenhyphen #magicmirror #ladefense #photosconcerts #robertgil
pi@magicmirror:~/MagicMirror/config $ vim config.js
-bash: vim: command not found
There will be an accounting! _pounds table_
#righteousindignation #vim #linux #magicmirror
Unser neues #infodisplay im #hacksaar zeigt jetzt auch Stromverbrauch und Temperatur-Werte an. #hackerspace #irmgardinfodisplay #magicmirror #homeassistant 😎
#infodisplay #Hacksaar #hackerspace #irmgardinfodisplay #magicmirror #homeassistant
Dear Me Of Three Years Ago. Thank you for writing long detailed blog posts about building up a #magicmirror setup. All the 'what was the command i used to do X?' is the post, and reubilding the machine after the SD card failed has been MUCH EASIER because you WROTE STUFF DOWN (in a place that's easy to find).
Documentation, yo. Do it.
#magicmirror #linux #blog #raspberrypi
IT'S ALIVE!!! Tain't gonna break any speed records, but it's up and working and on the net!
Now I need to reinstall magic mirror, set up the startup scripts, and remount this little guy back in his case.
#raspberrypi #linux #magicmirror
@stooovie Yeah, I think i'm going to give it a shot. This should be for my #magicmirror display, which is hardly Heavy Horsepower. Imaging a new boot volume nao.
The real question on the table is ... is this fellow worth bringing back to life. This is no spring chicken. 2014. I suppose it's worth a try.
#raspberrypi #makers #magicmirror #linux
Wellll poop. I have a #magicmirror setup for news and weather and stuff. It's bene offline for a month or two, and I just haven't figured out why.
I think I figured out why :(. Pretty sure this is a dying / dead SD card.
Full build article here:
Magic Mirror – On A Low CPU Budget https://hackaday.com/2022/11/26/magic-mirror-on-a-low-cpu-budget/ #RaspberryPi #MagicMirror #Raspbian #midori
#RaspberryPi #raspbian #magicmirror #midori
Magic Mirror – On A Low CPU Budget - For quite a few hackers out there, it’s still hard to find a decently powerful Ras... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/26/magic-mirror-on-a-low-cpu-budget/ #raspberrypi #magicmirror #raspbian #midori
#midori #raspbian #magicmirror #raspberrypi
Wann kann schon erkennen, wie es mal werden soll. Heimstümper bei der Arbeit.
Suite à un mail d'Enercoop sur de possibles délestages https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9lestage_%C3%A9lectrique cet hiver, je suis allé faire un tour sur le site d'EcoWatt https://www.monecowatt.fr/
J'ai du coup déterré ma config de #MagicMirror et ajouté les modules suivants :
⚡ MMM-Ecowatt https://github.com/tttooommm56/MMM-Ecowatt
🌧️ MMM-RainForecast-FR https://github.com/tttooommm56/MMM-RainForecast-FR
☊ MMM-MQTT https://github.com/jupadin/MMM-MQTT
Merde, my sd card from my magicmirror is finally broken. Now I try to recover the data fingers crossed. #raspberrypi #magicmirror #diy #linux
#linux #diy #magicmirror #raspberrypi
Magic Mirror Isn’t Transparent Metal - One of the Star Trek movies has a McGuffin called “transparent aluminum.” While ma... - https://hackaday.com/2022/08/22/magic-mirror-isnt-transparent-metal/ #magicmirror #science #mirror #optics
#optics #mirror #science #magicmirror
Coté MagicMirror² voici les plugins avec lesquels j'ai commencé à bidouiller :
🕛 https://github.com/ngnijland/MMM-text-clock
🚊 https://github.com/normyx/MMM-Nantes-TAN
🏘️ 🕐 https://github.com/Menturan/MMM-OpeningHours
Liste complète (chouette écosystème) :
📚 https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/wiki/3rd-party-modules
#magicmirror #dataviz #javascript