MassivelyOP · @massivelyop
178 followers · 203 posts · Server

Magic The Gathering Online releases Phyrexia All Will Be One expansion, says there’s been no data breach

#mtgo #magiconline

Last updated 2 years ago

Tabby Lavalamp · @tabbylavalamp
84 followers · 810 posts · Server

When first came up with , bonuses would include redeemable codes for cards you could play in and cosmetic codes for lands and sleeves for .

At some point they stopped with the card codes and the Arena land codes and just gave you the codes for sleeves.

I was just on Arena to redeem my codes for a Lair that's on its way (I like to wait until they ship because once you redeem it could cause refund issues) and I saw them selling sleeves for the current Secret Lair and it doesn't look like you get them as a bonus when you buy the Lair itself.

Honestly, it bothered me more to lose the card redemptions. I have more sleeve styles than I need but it's still BS. I'm not normally on the "Wizards are greedy" bandwagon because I understand how the stock market and its hunger for eternal growth has broken the world, but this is greedy. I don't mind the sleeves being sold to people who didn't get the Secret Lairs, but making people pay separately now for what they once got as part of a purchase they were already making is just too much.

#wotc #SecretLair #magiconline #magicarena #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

Nore715 · @nore715
169 followers · 2098 posts · Server

Salut à tou·te·s !
/ veut nous imposer un préavis de résiliation de 3 mois sur un serveur dédié premium que nous avions chez avant qu'ils ne les rachètent. Normalement, notre contrat de base (en 2014) disait « un an d'engagement et après résiliation libre ». Connaissez-vous des cas similaires ? Comment se défendre ?
Merci !

#phpnet #nuxit #magiconline

Last updated 4 years ago

Nore715 · @nore715
180 followers · 2151 posts · Server

Salut à tou·te·s !
/ veut nous imposer un préavis de résiliation de 3 mois sur un serveur dédié premium que nous avions chez avant qu'ils ne les rachètent. Normalement, notre contrat de base (en 2014) disait « un an d'engagement et après résiliation libre ». Connaissez-vous des cas similaires ? Comment se défendre ?
Merci !

#magiconline #nuxit #phpnet

Last updated 4 years ago