Off the air for a few days while my brand new Samlex power supply gets replaced. It went **bang** while idle under zero load. Am a little nervous about testing the replacement. #hamradio #magicsmoke
Oh noes! Something is wrong with my 23 year old #KitchenAid #StandMixer. The last couple of times I’ve used it, I’ve noticed a few drops of oil have leaked from the motor, and I’m pretty sure we’re heading towards a situation where the #MagicSmoke that makes it run could get out.
Does anyone have experience in getting them serviced or repaired, or am I - gulp - going to have to save for a new one? I use it maybe once a month at the moment, but I’d really miss it.
#kitchenaid #standmixer #magicsmoke
And it *almost* powered on without issue… until a tant let out the #magicsmoke
Thermochromic Treatment Keeps Solderless Breadboards Smokeless - There’s a point in a component’s thermal regime that’s between normal operation an... - #solderlessbreadboard #powerdissipation #thermochromic #magicsmoke #mischacks #overload #pigment #thermal #paint
#paint #thermal #pigment #overload #mischacks #magicsmoke #thermochromic #powerdissipation #solderlessbreadboard
Flipper Zero “Smoking” a Smart Meter is a Bad Look for Hardware Hackers - Alright, we’re calling it — we need a pejorative equivalent to “script kiddie” to ... - #reverseengineering #flipperzero #magicsmoke #smartmeter #debunk #hoax
#hoax #debunk #smartmeter #magicsmoke #flipperzero #reverseengineering
tfw you’re installing smart home stuff and you accidentally let the #magicSmoke out of the fancy controller 🤦♂️
gdmf three way light switches
I have...... concerns about these #5v power supplies.
#5v #alibaba #wled #grounded #fireisanillusion #magicsmoke
Just an original recording of the 1953 #coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II, recorded live off the radio by my Dad in Belfast.
I considered breaking out the old #Ferrograph #ReelToReel to play it but it might release the #MagicSmoke…
#coronation #ferrograph #reeltoreel #magicsmoke #coronationday #quarterinchtape #retrotech
Bon ce n'est pas aujourd'hui que je vais beaucoup avancer sur le terminal Heathkit H19. J'ai juste eu le temps de contrôler les tensions après les ponts de diode (c'était OK) et j'ai eu de la fumée magique : c'est le filtre secteur qui a fait pschitt !
(Et ça sent pas bon !)
Ça tombe bien je suis en train de préparer une commande de composants 😁
#retrocomputing #magicsmoke
@jaylyerly Indeed! In the build guide for the kits, there's a footnote about increasing the power:
The current-limiting resistors will be significantly overrun at these high currents. [...] Some of that heat will soak into the PCB and be dissipated, but the board will still require significant airflow for cooling [...] If you ignore this warning, the resistors are likely to spontaneously transmute into the much less common Light Emitting Resistor (LER) form.
The official status of my truSDX #hamradio #sota #qrp #magicsmoke #trusdx
#truSDX #magicsmoke #qrp #sota #hamradio
Bit of a long gap between #imagiku posts - sorry.
Was sorting through some #CRTtv, to decide if one was useful for #oldcomputers. Remembered my #BBCmicro !
Dig around storage ... unpacking ... found something the right colour, but is a weird-ass external hard drive. Maybe ~30MB? Wow. Unpack something else - yes, the #bbcb! Connect to tv, turn it on ... Poof! #magicSmoke from the PSU. 😰
Spouse: What's that smell?
"I ❤️ the smell of capacitor in the morning"
Now it's a repair project ... 🤓
#magicsmoke #bbcb #bbcmicro #oldcomputers #crttv #imagiku
Oops, bye bye Shelly
In DC mode, positive goes to neutral, of course. 🤨
It’s even printed right on there. My bad! (Counterintuitive, though!)
#shelly1 #homeautomation #magicsmoke
Another power supply releases the #MagicSmoke, another exploded #TNY280PN #chip. #coicidence..? 💥💨🤔
#electronics #powersupply #LEDDriver #dead #technology #failure
#magicsmoke #tny280pn #chip #coicidence #electronics #powersupply #leddriver #dead #technology #failure
Spend my Sunday tearing into this old #Teac A4070G #reel2reel
Sentiment is that this model is quite complex so I hope I can get it working again. So far, I've spent most of my time chasing screws that I dropped into the amplifier section. Got them all out, cleaned all the controls and connectors while in there. Got the new belts on, just waiting on a new fuse to see if it will power up, or release the #magicsmoke
A moment of silence for our fallen brother #RIPGPU #magicsmoke #JamieWantsBigBoom
#jamiewantsbigboom #magicsmoke #ripgpu
An interesting thing about the 80s JAMMA pinout standard IMO is that the audio output pins drive the speakers directly. The amplifier is on the board.
That means that if you were to put a board in the wrong cabinet, you could in theory blow up the speakers, chips on the board, ...or even both I suppose! Pretty cool. 😀 #magicsmoke #audio #arcade