These are some legendarily good figures! #NewAge #MagicSquare #OptimusPrime #Bumblebee #Cliffjumper #Diaclone #deskbot #legendscale
#newage #magicsquare #optimusprime #bumblebee #cliffjumper #diaclone #deskbot #legendscale
Ce qu'il y a de savoureux dans le carré magique de Lee Sallows, c'est qu'il reste magique lorsque ses chiffres sont remplacés par le nombre de lettres dans le nom de chaque nombre. Ça fonctionne en anglais (Je ne sais pas s'il existe l'équivalent en français... Quelq'un ici le sait ?).
(Rappel : dans un carré magique, les nombres sont disposés de sorte que leurs sommes sur chaque rangée, sur chaque colonne et sur chaque diagonale principale soient égales.)
#CarréMagique #magicsquare #math
#carremagique #magicsquare #math
For Mars Debilitated in Tropical Cancer #qabala #qabalah #angelmagic #mars #planetarymagick #astrologicalmagick #magick #astrology #kamea #qamea #magicsquare #yantra #sigil #sigilmagick
#qabala #qabalah #angelmagic #mars #planetarymagick #astrologicalmagick #magick #astrology #kamea #qamea #magicsquare #yantra #sigil #sigilmagick
For Mars Debilitated in Tropical Cancer #qabala #qabalah #angelmagic #mars #planetarymagick #astrologicalmagick #magick #astrology #kamea #qamea #magicsquare #yantra #sigil #sigilmagick
#qabala #qabalah #angelmagic #mars #planetarymagick #astrologicalmagick #magick #astrology #kamea #qamea #magicsquare #yantra #sigil #sigilmagick
Real mathematical magic: The king’s algorithm & Sallow’s geomagic
#Mathologer #BachetsAlgorithm #geomagic #LeeSallow #lunchbox #magicSquare #square
#mathologer #bachetsalgorithm #geomagic #leesallow #lunchbox #magicsquare #square
Now they're brothers in arms. And wings.
#Transformers #Jetfire #MagicSquare #NewAge #Deskbot #ToyPhotography #NoJokesThisTime
#transformers #Jetfire #magicsquare #newage #deskbot #toyphotography #nojokesthistime
Ooh, ooh! Looks like there's only one order-3 #MagicSquare, so I had to try 4th-order. I finally got one by putting 7...10 in the middle:
14, 1, 15, 4
3, 8, 10, 13
6, 9, 7, 12
11, 16, 2, 5
Uh oh... this is fun!
#recreationalmaths #mathpuzzle #recreationalmath #magicsquare
Oh hey, I tried making a #MagicSquare with n=3, did I do it right? After about 10 tries, finally got the rows, cols, & diags sum to 15...
6 1 8
7 5 3
2 9 4
#recreationalmath #magicsquare
In honor of the 59th anniversary of #DoctorWho, and inspired by James Grimes's new video, a Whovian 4x4 #magicSquare.
Must get to Megatron! #transformers #legendscale #magicsquare #spock #msb32a #g1 #shockwave #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #collection #collectionphotography #collector #photoroom #edit
#transformers #legendscale #magicsquare #spock #msb32a #g1 #Shockwave #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #COLLECTION #collectionphotography #collector #photoroom #edit
Must get to Megatron! #transformers #legendscale #magicsquare #spock #msb32a #g1 #shockwave #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #collection #collectionphotography #collector #photoroom #edit
#transformers #legendscale #magicsquare #spock #msb32a #g1 #Shockwave #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #COLLECTION #collectionphotography #collector #photoroom #edit
Get back here imposter! #transformers #masterpiece #magicsquare #ms02 #lightofpeace #g1 #optimusprime #optimus #prime #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #collection #collectionphotography #collector
#transformers #masterpiece #magicsquare #ms02 #lightofpeace #g1 #optimusprime #optimus #prime #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #COLLECTION #collectionphotography #collector
Get back here imposter! #transformers #masterpiece #magicsquare #ms02 #lightofpeace #g1 #optimusprime #optimus #prime #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #collection #collectionphotography #collector
#transformers #masterpiece #magicsquare #ms02 #lightofpeace #g1 #optimusprime #optimus #prime #toys #toysaremysoul #toysphotography #toystagram #toysaremylife #toyscollector #toysaremydrug #toys4life #toyphotography #toypics #actionfigures #actionfigureposing #actionfigurecollection #actionfigurecollector #actionfigureaddict #actionfigurephotography #figurephotography #figurecollection #COLLECTION #collectionphotography #collector
The Magic Square Beta Has Arrived
#PressReleases #MagicSquare