By the way: a few of you who've been connected with me for a while may recall that I used to post about a paper Magic format I was trying to develop, #MagicTwentyFive. I recently discovered that a much more active player group already came up with a very similar format a few years ago. IIRC it's called "cheapo" (?) and it stipulates a $30 maximum deck value. As far as I know, there isn't any special limit on individual card prices like there is in Twenty-five, but it's still similar enough that I'm not sure it's worth pushing my format any further. There's no benefit to splitting a specific, cohesive player base into multiple wedges just to serve a creator's ego.
If people are still interested, I'd still be happy to at least post what I've developed on my little website in the future (my site is far from being ready for anything yet). Otherwise I'll probably keep it to myself.
#magictwentyfive #magicthegathering
@Dunstable Clay Champion gets sickeningly huge in monogreen ramp, but I admit I haven't gotten one to 22/22 before. Nice!
Actually, since the Champion trades for less than a dollar, it features as a finisher in a couple of my #MagicTwentyFive decks (a format I designed/am designing that uses strict per-card and per-deck market price limits), often alongside Wedding Invitation, which is a surprisingly efficient little card if you build around finishing with it.
3 quick updates, as I've been all topsy-turvy lately:
1) Regarding #MagicTwentyFive, I'm pretty happy with the rules I've developed. However, now I have to face the fact that almost none of my current friends play Magic, so this may be as far as it goes.
2) I'm designing my first #MtGCommander deck for kicks, using Archelos, Lagoon Mystic, of all things. I'm clearly a sucker for punishment.
3) Got a box of #MtGBRO for Christmas! Anyone care to see the money cards I pulled?
#magictwentyfive #mtgcommander #mtgbro
- sideboard max value adjusted to $10, to be more in line with the main deck value limit (relative to the number of cards in each).
- price check set to 21 days/3 weeks after the paper launch of each premier set
As far as test deck comps, my off-brand Blade deck isn't reliable enough with Ornithopter or Welkin Hawk. Currently testing Blighted Agent. Also looking at Clay Champion for stompy or modified Fires. (+Fling?)
#magicthegathering #magictwentyfive
Still playing around with my Twenty-Five Magic format idea (posted to my TL last week or so). It turns out Fires of Yavimaya meets the per-card cost threshold of >$1.01, along with most enablers for the classic deck, which is neat - Fires isn't a very powerful eternal archetype, but it's always fun to play. Unfortunately, Saproling Burst and most of the big cheap finishers (wurms) are too expensive, but testing new finisher comps/balances has been a delight.
#magictwentyfive #magicthegathering
Still playing around with my Twenty-Five Magic format idea (posted to my TL last week or so). It turns out Fires of Yavimaya meets the per-card cost threshold of >$1.01, along with most enablers for the classic deck, which is neat - Fires isn't a very powerful eternal archetype, but it's always fun to play. Unfortunately, Saproling Burst and most of the big cheap finishers (wurms) are too expensive, but testing new finisher comps/balances has been a delight.
#magictwentyfive #magicthegathering
It's unique because you have to manage the *total value* of your deck. The build strategy is a bit similar to tabletop miniature wargaming: you have a set maximum point value and try to build a winner within that limit. No currently sanctioned format does this. I find it a most interesting way to design decks, and only using $1 or cheaper cards encourages players to use cards they otherwise wouldn't.
Have you tried something like this? Thoughts?
It's unique because you have to manage the *total value* of your deck. The build strategy is a bit similar to tabletop miniature wargaming: you have a set maximum point value and try to build a winner within that limit. No currently sanctioned format does this. I find it a most interesting way to design decks, and only using $1 or cheaper cards encourages players to use cards they otherwise wouldn't.
Have you tried something like this? Thoughts?