On the Machinations of the #Magisterium - a Catholic journalist opines on the scheming and plotting in Rome as the corpse of Josef Ratzinger is interred.
#catholicchurch #popefrancis #PopeBenedict #magisterium
Warning: in several worlds, even thinking about reading the attached could have the #Magisterium hammering on your door.
The Fall ...
#myPoem #Poetry #HisDarkMaterials #PhilipPullman
@mypoem @poetry
#philippullman #hisdarkmaterials #poetry #mypoem #magisterium
Inspired by nuclear weapons, driven by quantum mechanics. One of my contributions to season 3 of #HisDarkMaterials The #Magisterium’s sinister and terrifying dimensional device.
#HisDarkMaterials #magisterium
"Böse ist, wer böses tut "
wo liegt die Grenze zwischen Gut und Böse?
Wie kann man eine "richtige" Entscheidung treffen?
Fragen, die Stoff für viele #Romane bieten...
#Magisterium #CassandraClare #HollyBlack #fantasy #Entscheidung #Moral #lesen
Die Macht der Entscheidung - moralische Dilemma
#romane #magisterium #cassandraclare #hollyblack #fantasy #entscheidung #moral #lesen