"The most sublime act is to set another before you." — William Blake — — — #WilliamBlake #quote #quotes #sublime #kindness #deference #respect #reverence #magnanimous #polite
#WilliamBlake #quote #quotes #sublime #kindness #deference #respect #reverence #magnanimous #polite
I would never begrudge a medieval scribe or, say, a 15th century typesetter for making a mistake (very #magnanimous!) nor would I qualify any uneven variation of written Latin to be anything other than then-customary or, at very worst, idiosyncratic.
When dealing with mathematical proofs that are meant to be logically illustrating specific propositions, however, there are real & unmistakable mistakes to be found.
Ok my hot take is that I’ll defend your right to believe that No Doubt’s cover of It’s My Life is better than the original #magnanimous #SoKindOfMe #music
#magnanimous #SoKindOfMe #music