Are there any #doctors #specialists #GPs in #Melbourne giving IV or IV push #Hartmanns with #MagnesiumSulphate? For #POTS #Dysautonomia #OrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicPain, and #Migraine that’s becoming intractable.
HAVE REFERRAL! Totally legal.
But doctors hate giving them. I used to get in migraine clinic until funding dried up. IV drip clinics don’t do it at all or only do if doctors jump through hoops (referral writer GP won’t). Very expensive too. I’m stuck.
Cannot absorb #magnesium much unless IV and leech #potassium. Will feel very sick until eventually… Most docs don’t get it.
Any #nurses willing to administer this? It can improve functionality to 50% but nobody will give it anymore and I’m stuck in bed for no reason.
Can I have my life back please 😩?
Please #boost it shouldn’t be so hard to get #medical help.
#LongCovid #Neisvoid
@migrainechat @chronicpain @dysautonomia
#doctors #specialists #gps #melbourne #hartmanns #magnesiumsulphate #pots #dysautonomia #orthostaticintolerance #chronicpain #migraine #magnesium #potassium #nurses #boost #medical #MedMastodon #pwme #mecfs #SevereME #LongCovid #NEISvoid
Are there any #doctors #specialists #GPs in #Melbourne giving IV or IV push #Hartmanns with #MagnesiumSulphate? For #POTS #Dysautonomia #OrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicPain. #Migraines becoming intractable.
Any #nurses willing to administer this? It can improve functionality to 50% but nobody will give it anymore and I’m stuck in bed for no reason.
Can I have my life back please 😩?
Please #boost it shouldn’t be so hard to get #medical help.
@chronicillness @mecfs @migrainechat @chronicpain @dysclinic @migrainechatgroup
#doctors #specialists #gps #melbourne #hartmanns #magnesiumsulphate #pots #dysautonomia #orthostaticintolerance #chronicpain #migraines #nurses #boost #medical #MedMastodon #pwme #mecfs #SevereME #LongCovid
👋🏻 #boost please
Any #doctors #GPs in #Melbourne giving IV or IV push #Hartmanns with #MagnesiumSulphate? For #POTS #Dysautonomia #OrthostaticIntolerance #ChronicPain. #Migraine becoming intractable.
Have referral.
Any #nurse volunteer to give this? Can improve functionality to 50% but nobody does it anymore so I’m stuck in bed for no reason.
Can I have my life back😩?
#pwME #disability
@chronicillness @mecfs @migrainechat @chronicpain
#boost #Migraine #mecfs #doctors #gps #melbourne #hartmanns #magnesiumsulphate #pots #Dysautonomia #orthostaticintolerance #MedMastodon #pwme #SevereME #LongCovid #chronicpain #Nurse #disability #chronicillness
Are there any #doctors #specialists #GPs in #Melbourne giving IV or IV push #Hartmanns with #MagnesiumSulphate? For #POTS #Dysautonomia #Migraine #ChronicPain #MedMastodon
#doctors #specialists #gps #melbourne #hartmanns #magnesiumsulphate #pots #dysautonomia #migraine #chronicpain #MedMastodon