Donna (Tori Spelling) discovers that leaving a tape in the glove compartment of a car in southern California causes it to melt while Kelly (Jennie Garth) looks on in Season 4 Episode 3 of Beverly Hills 90120 (22 Sept 1993)
#cassettes #tape #ReelToReel #MagneticTape #ToriSpelling #BeverlyHills90210 #PortableSoundOnTelevision #PortableSound #JennieGarth #90sTV #90s
#cassettes #tape #reeltoreel #magnetictape #torispelling #beverlyhills90210 #portablesoundontelevision #portablesound #jenniegarth #90stv #90s
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek: Unopened Maxell Original UR IEC Type I Normal Bias Compact Cassette (date unknown; presumed 1990s). Detail images courtesy Museum of Portable Sound Archives.
#Maxell #CompactCassette #CassetteTape #NormalBias #MagneticTape #Cassettes #Archives #MuseumOfPortableSound #ItsOkayToBeNormal
#objectoftheweek #maxell #compactcassette #cassettetape #normalbias #magnetictape #cassettes #archives #museumofportablesound #itsokaytobenormal
"Scotch Cassettes. They just might outlive you." Magazine advert (1979)
#cassettes #OldAge #CompactCassette #MagneticTape #advertising
#cassettes #oldage #compactcassette #magnetictape #advertising
You know that the computer's colour scheme is really nice. Forget the woman trying to lure me in, I want the computer!
#Vangaurd #DataRecorder #Tape #MagneticTape #Retro #Ad #Coloured #IBM #IBM360 #Datascribe VanguardDataSystems
#datascribe #ibm360 #ibm #coloured #ad #retro #magnetictape #tape #datarecorder #vangaurd
Has anyone ever tried to use an electron microscope to read data from a hard drive? Digital archeologists are going to need some way to recover data from magnetic media after the charge is too weak to read it with the standard magnetic read/write head.
#digital #archaeology #archivists #hdd #MagneticTape #DiskDrive
#digital #archaeology #archivists #hdd #magnetictape #Diskdrive
"#Computers" 1970 #EducationalFilm - #IBM #Mainframe #PunchCard & #MagneticTape Based Computers - #XD11964
#Educational #IBMMainframe #IBMXD11964 #RetroComputing #Computing #ComputerHistory #ComputingHistory #History
#history #computinghistory #computerhistory #computing #retrocomputing #ibmxd11964 #ibmmainframe #educational #xd11964 #magnetictape #punchcard #mainframe #ibm #educationalfilm #computers
American students use headphones to listen to reel-to-reel language tapes in a high school language lab (1972)
#headphones #reeltoreel #magnetictape #listening #soundbeyondmusic
#soundbeyondmusic #listening #magnetictape #reeltoreel #headphones