Danke, liebe @RichterHedwig für den Text: Die #RainaldGoetz-Energie, diese brennende Freude. Wie hat er gefehlt! Danke mit Bild der #JenaGang, die heute von der wunderbaren in @andrea_wulf in London zum Tanzen gebracht wurde. #MagnificentRebels #NeoIdealism #Romantics BER-MUC-LON
RT @LinneanSociety
Join us and Andrea Wulf for a talk on her new book 'Magnificent Rebels: The First Romantics and the Invention of the Self' - the you…
#romantics #neoidealism #magnificentrebels #jenagang #RainaldGoetz
RT @thatkirstylang
@Walsh_e_Patrick @johnmurrays @alicefherbert @LaycockGeorgina @NickDavies77 @AAKnopf @andrea_wulf @pew_literary @CBertelsmann @tauruseditorial @AtlasContact Great to see #MagnificentRebels by @andrea_wulf on the Sunday Times list of books of the year. It’s a great read and an excellent Xmas present for history lovers
After 2 1/2 months. 6 countries. A lot of talks & a lot more interviews, I’m making my way HOME. Thank you to all you amazing readers & audiences who made this a very special tour. Leaving Germany on a high (Nr.3 Spiegel Bestseller List) & absolutely knackered. #MagnificentRebels