Did you know that can store 35 times more carbon than the rainforest? 🌿🌿🌿
To protect the we need data. That's what is working on with their oceanic satellites! Listen to CEO Joost den Haan explain what they do in the industry.

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🚿 EUs new Law
🚜 2x Bad news for startups
πŸ€‘ 54 Million Euro for
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Listen here: greentech-startups.com/uncateg

#seagrass #seafloor #planblue #geospatial #greenwashing #verticalfarming #amsilk #magnotherm

Last updated 2 years ago

145 followers · 27 posts · Server helmholtz.social

Industrial-scale magnetic cooling: In the project , a team @HZDR, @TU and the start-up wants to improve hydrogen , building on materials that change their temperature when exposed to a magnetic field.
▢️ hzdr.de/presse/hylical

#hylical #magnotherm #liquefaction #magnetocaloric

Last updated 2 years ago