Das ist eine 44er Magnum. Die stärkste Handfeuerwaffe der Welt. Die bläst Dir das Gehirn aus dem Schädel. Fühlst Du Dich wohl? #DirtyHarry
#NowPlaying: #Sielwolf - #MagnumForce
Back in the day, we danced to this #Industrial #Metal #Noise crowbar - mostly at #Goth parties. There is something timeless about this music.
I'm sure some people won't like that: #Rammstein will never have this quality. Period.
#dirtyharry #nowplaying #sielwolf #magnumforce #industrial #metal #noise #goth #Rammstein #electronic #music
Das ist eine 44er Magnum. Die stärkste Handfeuerwaffe der Welt. Die bläst Dir das Gehirn aus dem Schädel. Fühlst Du Dich wohl? #DirtyHarry
#NowPlaying: #Sielwolf - #MagnumForce
Back in the day, we danced to this #Industrial #Metal #Noise crowbar - mostly at #Goth parties. There is something timeless about this music.
I'm sure some people won't like that: #Rammstein will never have this quality. Period.
#dirtyharry #nowplaying #sielwolf #magnumforce #industrial #metal #noise #goth #Rammstein #electronic #music
Watching Magnum Force - 1973
#clinteastwood #dirtyharry #magnumforce #film #movie #nowwatching
#clinteastwood #dirtyharry #magnumforce #film #movie #nowwatching
Watching Magnum Force - 1973
#clinteastwood #dirtyharry #magnumforce #film #movie #nowwatching
#clinteastwood #dirtyharry #magnumforce #film #movie #nowwatching