4714 AR: Magpie Prince renamed Magpie Princess*
After slaying her husband, Captain Varossa #Lanteri renamed their ship, once the Chelish warship ‘Howl of Winter’. She sailed for treasure he shared with crewmates of early years. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Free_Captains #MagpiePrincess #4714AR
#lanteri #magpieprincess #4714ar
4695 AR: Howl of Winter launched (#Cheliax)*
Eventually named the Magpie Princess, this well-constructed warship launched with the mission of safeguarding the shipping lanes to the #Hespereth Strait. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Hespereth_Strait #4695AR #MagpiePrincess
#cheliax #hespereth #4695ar #magpieprincess