{magrittr} partial function hack in action:
I'm currently working with some really really long and really really wide data.frames (stored as tibbles).
And I find tibble output sometimes too terse, and the whole "print(n = Inf, width = Inf)" to get full output gets a bit tiresome.
So I define tiny helperf functions for: "print long", "print wide" and "print long and wide"
How do other people deal with the terseness of tibble output?
RT @ivelasq3
I couldn't resist getting in on the fun, updated for R >= 4.1, created using {gt}! h/t @skyetetra #rstats #tidyverse #magrittr #alignmentchart
Repo here: https://github.com/ivelasq/alignment-chart
#rstats #tidyverse #magrittr #alignmentchart
@sebkrantz Is #magrittr still needed in the #fastverse (https://fastverse.github.io/fastverse/articles/fastverse_intro.html) as of R >= 4.2? At least, the example is %>% and |> combined. 🤔
@jimjamslam I never piped (native or {magrittr}) or ever will into {ggplot2}.
For me it does not improve maintainability nor readability of the code. I would even say it’s the opposite and should be avoided.