Paul Raper from FHNW in Switzerland uses SWITCHportfolio, a #Mahara site in his language classrooms. You can listen to his interview in your favourite #podcast app or at
How do you know you've created a #portfolio? Stephen Harlow (University of Waikato) says when it's purposeful and includes a reflection. Listen to his entire interview on 'Create. Share. Engage.' in your #podcast app or at #DigitalStorytelling #Mahara
#portfolio #podcast #digitalstorytelling #mahara
Learning designer @stephenharlow (University of Waikato) loves #DigitalStorytelling and shares his passion in the latest episode of 'Create. Share. Engage.' So of course, his highest frequency words are story/stories, portfolio, and digital storytelling. Stephen shows the connection to the #portfolio, and you can listen to his interview in your favourite #podcast app or at #Mahara
#digitalstorytelling #portfolio #podcast #mahara
There's a difference between authorship and ownership. We are often more invested if we own it, which also applies to the #portfolio. Listen to the latest interview of 'Create. Share. Engage.' with Andrea Ghoneim (Austria) in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
There's a difference between authorship and ownership. We are often more invested if we own it, which also applies to the #portfolio. Listen to the latest interview of 'Create. Share. Engage.' with Andrea Ghoneim (Austria) in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
New podcast episode alert 🎧 : Episode 22 of 'Create. Share. Engage.' is ready to be listened to by you. Dr Andrea Ghoneim shares her experience of using #portfolio for learning transversal skills. Listen in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
> The important thing with #education is to get students building as much as they can in an authentic environment with peer exposure and feedback. Making things in public, creating stuff. Nothing changes your own brain better than when you put something out there into the world that you've created, and you're now exposed, and you're getting feedback from people.
👥 @martin with @anitsirk, about #openedtech #eportfolio #mahara #moodle
#education #openedtech #eportfolio #mahara #moodle
> The important thing with #education is to get students building as much as they can in an authentic environment with peer exposure and feedback. Making things in public, creating stuff. Nothing changes your own brain better than when you put something out there into the world that you've created, and you're now exposed, and you're getting feedback from people.
@martin with @anitsirk, about #openedtech #eportfolio #mahara #moodle
#moodle #mahara #eportfolio #openedtech #education
> The important thing with #education is to get students building as much as they can in an authentic environment with peer exposure and feedback. Making things in public, creating stuff. Nothing changes your own brain better than when you put something out there into the world that you've created, and you're now exposed, and you're getting feedback from people.
#moodle #mahara #eportfolio #openedtech #education
> The important thing with #education is to get students building as much as they can in an authentic environment with peer exposure and feedback. Making things in public, creating stuff. Nothing changes your own brain better than when you put something out there into the world that you've created, and you're now exposed, and you're getting feedback from people.
#moodle #mahara #eportfolio #openedtech #education
Why should you externalise your thinking? @rreuter (University of Luxembourg) shares why this is important and how the #portfolio can help with that. Listen to the latest episode of 'Create. Share. Engage.' in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
New podcast episode alert 🎧 : Episode 21 of 'Create. Share. Engage.' is here. @rreuter ( shares his use of portfolios in a teacher education programme. Listen in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
Why is @martin so passionate about #OpenEdTech? It brings the freedoms that #education needs. Listen to his interview on 'Create. Share. Engage.' in your favourite #podcast app or at #Moodle #Mahara #OpenSource
#OpenEdTech #education #podcast #moodle #mahara #opensource
Some big questions for the start of the week. @martin speaks about #OpenEdTech in his interview for 'Create. Share. Engage.' and how it can support #learning. Listen at https://podcast.mahara.og or in your favourite #podcast app. #Moodle #Mahara #OpenSource
#OpenEdTech #learning #podcast #moodle #mahara #opensource
Listen to @martin on all things #open ed tech and how #Moodle and #Mahara are part of a wider learning ecosystem. I interviewed him recently for 'Create. Share. Engage.' to which you can subscribe in your #podcast app or listen at
#open #moodle #mahara #podcast
3 words that Cathy Elliott (University College London) uses to describe #portfolio work are creative, collaborative, and continuous. She's new to the world of portfolios and has created a fantastic #assessment activity for her political science students. Find out more on 'Create. Share. Engage.' that you can listen to in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
#portfolio #assessment #podcast #mahara
Answer the 'Why' for students when you ask them to create a #portfolio. Cathy Elliott (University College London) has more ideas and tips to share in her interview for 'Create. Share. Engage.' that you can listen to in your #podcast app or at #Mahara
#Moodle Hochschultreffen Montag und Dienstag
20./21. März 2023
in Präsenz an der Uni Paderborn!
Wir freuen uns bei 105 Anmeldungen auf regen Erfahrungsaustausch und Wissenstransfer!
16:15 Uhr Mitgliederversammlung des Vereins
Dienstag 21.3. bis 14 Uhr.
Themen u.a. #Moodle4 #MoodlePlugins #EAssessment #Mahara
#OpenSource #Community #Hochschule #HigherEd #FediCampus
#moodle #moodle4 #MoodlePlugins #eAssessment #mahara #MoodleHST #opensource #community #hochschule #highered #FediCampus