Baruch Katz · @baruch
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“Love of all creatures is also love of God, for whoever loves the One, loves all the works the One has made. But if one hates the creatures, one cannot love the One who created them.”
(Maharal of Prague, Netivot Olam)

#maharal #torah #quotes #jewishphilosophy #mazeldon #jewdiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

@trek_rav @devotaj @mazeldon

Ari, this is a beautiful teaching! I am sharing with my . Growing up I never learned anything from the , I was only introduced to him in the last decade. Now I see how much more there is to learn. Hopefully in the coming year more Hebrew schools and Jewish adult ed will feature the Maharal and other of our great thinkers

#havurah #maharal

Last updated 2 years ago