AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1665 followers · 816 posts · Server

@princesaballena @atatassault @atomic @kimlockhartga @Gdac

I don't see most people being willing or able to . And I don't see bringing about ANY real positive change. Violence makes a look bad, which is why groups like demand their do not engage or be drawn into ANY violence.

The folks who can't afford to miss a rent payment definitely can't afford any jail time or criminal record. And most people are happy to peacefully, but will gladly turn in any agitators in their midst.

Violence plays into the hands of the and builds UP the rhetoric of the other side, giving it validity in the eyes of its followers.

requires patience, but it never fails in the long run.

The tyrants always fall... always.

#riot #riots #protestmovement #marchforourlives #protestors #protest #peacefulprotest #mlk #pacifism #protests #protesting #activism #activistsofmastodon #activists #protestmovements #gandhi #gandhiji #mahatmaghandi #fascists #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

Mercè Salomó 💜 🌍 · @milcamins
45 followers · 248 posts · Server

"Quan em desespero, recordo que al llarg de la història ha guanyat sempre el camí de la veritat i l'amor. Hi ha hagut tirans i assassins, i per un temps semblaven invencibles, però al final sempre cauen; -penseu en això, sempre."

Avui, , fa 75 anys de l’ assassinat de

🕊️ i la

#30gener #mahatmaghandi #DiaDeLaPau #noviolencia #taldiacomavui

Last updated 2 years ago

· @31brinfmec
69 followers · 2984 posts · Server